Separate Parental Alleles for Reads from Tangled Alignments (SPARTA)
Divide RNA-Seq reads from pooled runs based on their ancestral genotype. Designed to be used as a post-processing step for Bowtie2, after aligning the pooled reads to both ancestral genomes.
See the documentation here:
To run unit tests, simply run
To use from the command line:
usage: [-h] [-pe [PAIRED_END]] [-n NAMES [NAMES ...]]
samfiles [samfiles ...]
SPARTA takes a set of SAM format files that each map the same RNA reads to a
different ancestral (or parental) genome. This program classifies each read to
one of the ancestral alleles or deems it unclassifiable, based on the
assumption that each read belongs to one of the ancestral allele types
positional arguments:
samfiles input samfiles
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-pe [PAIRED_END], --paired_end [PAIRED_END]
set this flag to specify that reads are paired end
(default: False)
-n NAMES [NAMES ...], --names NAMES [NAMES ...]
list of nicknames for genomes corresponding for
samfile1,samfile2, etc.
-o [OUTPUT_DIR], --output_dir [OUTPUT_DIR]
directory to write output to
list of filenames to write separated (classified) sam
outputs. default: outputdir/genome1_separated.sam...
-pr [PROCESSES], --processes [PROCESSES]
number of processes to use for separation step,
default = number of CPU cores available
set this flag to calculate actual mismatch
probabilities for more accurate mapping. WARNING: very
specify an existing sparta mismatch file (e.g.
output/mismatch_prob_info.txt) with mismatch
probabilities per quality score for more accurate
specify file with transition matrix in tab-delimited
melted format ("A T 0.3" means A to T transition has
probability 0.3)
-ph [PILEUP_HEIGHT], --pileup_height [PILEUP_HEIGHT]
if calculate_mismatches is True, specify minimum
height of read pileup to consider, default = 20
-se [SAMPLE_EVERY], --sample_every [SAMPLE_EVERY]
if calculate_mismatches is True, specify N such that
calculate_mismatch_probs only samples every N reads,
default = 10
list of prior probabilities that a read belongs to
each genome
-pc [POSTERIOR_CUTOFF], --posterior_cutoff [POSTERIOR_CUTOFF]
lower-bound cutoff for probability that a read belongs
to a genome for it to be classified as that genome.
default: 0.99
-u [UNMAPPED_READ_PROB], --unmapped_read_prob [UNMAPPED_READ_PROB]
set the (SMALL but NON-ZERO) probability of a read
being unmapped (in the SAM) to its genome of origin.
default = 0.0001
-i [INSERTION_PROB], --insertion_prob [INSERTION_PROB]
set the (SMALL but NON-ZERO) probability of a read
having an inserted base relative to its genome of
origin. default = 0.0001
-d [DELETION_PROB], --deletion_prob [DELETION_PROB]
set the (SMALL but NON-ZERO) probability of a read
having a deleted base relative to its genome of
origin. default = 0.0001
-s [SOFTCLIPPED_PROB], --softclipped_prob [SOFTCLIPPED_PROB]
set the (SMALL but NON-ZERO) probability of a read
having a softclipped base relative to its genome of
origin. default = 0.0001
-hp [HARDCLIPPED_PROB], --hardclipped_prob [HARDCLIPPED_PROB]
set the (SMALL but NON-ZERO) probability of a read
having a hardclipped base relative to its genome of
origin. default = 0.0001