Please use bridge-gui-vue instead.
Client application for interacting with Storj Bridge.
Install Node.js, NPM. Clone the repository, install dependencies:
git clone
cd bridge-gui
npm install
npm install -g babel-node concurrently
Start the local server (Redux Devtools are enabled by default in development):
npm run dev
npm run start-dev
npm run build
npm run start-prod
Docker uses linux containers which relies on the linux kernel, so to use docker on OSX you need to run your docker containers inside of a VM.
This can easily be setup and managed with the docker-machine
cli tool.
Once youve setup a VM to host your docker containers you can ssh into it and follow steps for linux from there.
Install docker-machine
brew install docker-machine
Create a docker "host" VM:
You can choose your own virtual machine platform (e.g. virtualbox, openstack, vmware, etc.) and you may name the VM whatever you like.
In these examples we'll be using the virtualbox
driver and calling our VM storj-docker
but feel free to substitute those for something else.
supported docker-machine drivers
docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox storj-docker
For info on you docker "host":
docker-machine env storj-docker
Configure your shell session for use with your new docker "host": NOTE: (you'll have to do this once per shell/terminal session)
eval $(docker-machine env storj)
Build the bridge-gui project docker image:
Using the -t
argument, we are assigning a 'tag' parameter whose value is bridge-gui
. You may substitude this for something else if you like.
docker build -t bridge-gui .
docker create 9a43ea8b4d23
docker start 63f037c089a3