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wwlwpd edited this page May 24, 2021 · 1 revision
Command Line Options (used when invoking asgsh from login shell):
   -d                          - debug mode, turns on 'set -x'
   -h                          - displays available asgsh command line flags, then exits.
   -p     profile              - launches the ASGS Shell environment and immediate loads specified profile on start, if it exists.
   -x                          - skips loading of and (could become default)

ASGS Shell Commands:
   clone   profile             - launches guided process for cloning the current profile, including copying the configuratin file.
   define  config              - defines ASGS configuration file used by 'run', ($ASGS_CONFIG). 'define' replaces old 'set' command.
           editor              - defines default editor, ($EDITOR)
           scratchdir          - defines ASGS main script directory used by all underlying scripts, ($SCRATCH)
           scriptdir           - defines ASGS main script directory used by all underlying scripts, ($SCRIPTDIR)
           workdir             - defines ASGS main script directory used by all underlying scripts, ($WORK)
   delete  profile <name>      - deletes named profile
           adcirc  <name>      - deletes named ADCIRC profile
           config              - deletes configuration file for current profile, unsets 'config' var. Interactively confirms.
           statefile           - deletes the state file associated with a profile, effectively for restarting from the initial advisory
   dump    <param>             - dumps (using cat) contents specified files: config, exported (variables); and if defined: statefile, syslog
   edit    adcirc  <name>      - directly edit the named ADCIRC environment file
           config              - directly edit currently registered ASGS configuration file (used by
           jobs                - if RUNDIR is defined and exists, lists all job Ids associated with the current profile.
           meshes              - directly inspect or edit the list of supported meshes
           platforms           - directly inspect or edit the list of supported platforms
           profile <name>      - directly edit the named ASGSH Shell profile
           statefile           - open up STATEFILE (if set) in EDITOR for easier forensics
           syslog              - open up SYSLOG (if set) in EDITOR for easier forensics
   goto    <param>             - change CWD to a supported directory. Type 'goto options' to see the currently supported options
   guess   platform            - attempts to guess the current platform as supported by (e.g., frontera, supermic, etc)
   build adcirc                  - interactive tool for building and local registering versions of ADCIRC for use with ASGS
   inspect <option>            - alias to 'edit' for better semantics; e.g., 'inspect syslog' or 'inspect statefile'
   list    <param>             - lists different things, please see the following options; type 'list options' to see currently supported options
   load    profile <name>      - loads a saved profile by name; use 'list profiles' to see what's available
           adcirc  <name>      - loads information a version of ADCIRC into the current environment. Use 'list adcirc' to see what's available
   purge   <param>             - deletes specified file or directory
           rundir              - deletes run directory associated with a profile, useful for cleaning up old runs and starting over for the storm
   rebuild profile             - wizard for recreating an ASGS profile using an existing configuration file
   rl                          - reload current profile, equivalent to 'load profile <current-profile-name>'
   run                         - runs asgs using config file, $ASGS_CONFIG must be defined (see 'define config'); most handy after 'load'ing a profile
   save    profile <name>      - saves an asgs named profile, '<name>' not required if a profile is loaded
   show    <param>             - shows specified profile variables, to see current list type 'show help'
           exported            - dumps all exported variables and provides a summary of what asgsh tracks
   sq                          - shortcut for "squeue -u $USER" (if squeue is available)
   switch  <option>            - alias to 'load' for better semantics; e.g., 'switch profile next-profile'
   tailf   syslog              - executes 'tail -f' on ASGS instance's system log
   verify                      - verfies Perl and Python environments
   exit                        - exits ASGS shell, returns $USER to login shell