In the intervening 8-ish years, the GCP ecosystem has matured to a point where this project is both unnecessary and no longer functions.
The Mache framework is a Java App Engine library that makes it easy to export your App Engine application logs to BigQuery for analysis. It consists of a cron task that periodically copies data from the App Engine LogService to a BigQuery table, and lets you customize the parsing of your log files into BigQuery columns.
App Engine provides access to logs for each request through the LogService API. The framework starts from a cron job that runs fairly often. The cron job simply enqueues a bunch of named tasks. These tasks are named such that one and only one task will run for a given time window. This time window is adjustable in your configuration class (see below). Every time this task runs, the task queries the log service for the logs for its specified time window, parses the logs into bigquery columns using built in extractor and/or extractors you write. It then exports this to bigquery using the streaming ingestion input method.
The default implementation uses a set of user-defined exporters to parse each log into a CSV line, which it then outputs to Google BigQuery.
The exporters to run are defined by a BigqueryFieldExporterSet. The framework includes a set of default exporters that export most of the basic request log information. See the "Writing your own exporter" section for the details of adding exporters specific to your application's logs.
<description>Export logs to BigQuery</description>
<schedule>every 1 minutes</schedule>
- logsExportConfiguration specify a fully qualified class name for a class that implements the LogsExportConfiguration interface
You can export any field that your heart desires, as long as your heart desires one of the following data types:
- string up to 64k
- integer
- float
- boolean
You define fields to export by implementing com.streak.logging.analysis.BigqueryFieldExporter. It has the following methods that are run once for each log export to enumerate the schema:
- getFieldCount() returns the number of fields parsed by this exporter.
- getFieldName(int) takes an integer between 0 and getFieldCount() - 1, and returns the field name at that index. The ordering isn't important, but must be consistent with getFieldType().
- getFieldType(int) takes an integer between 0 and getFieldCount() - 1, and returns the field type at that index. The ordering isn't important, but must be consistent with getFieldName().
It also contains the following method that is run once per log entry:
- processLog(RequestLogs) takes a instance and extracts the fields. It is followed by a set of getField calls to get the parsed fields.
After each call to processLog(RequestLogs), the following method is called once for each field defined in the schema:
- getField(String) returns the value for the given field name. The field name is guaranteed to be an interned string for efficient comparison. The return type should be appropriate to the data type you gave in getFieldType, but can be any object for which the toString() can be parsed appropriately by BigQuery (i.e. for an integer, either an Integer or a Long can be returned). If there is an error parsing the field, return null to abort the export. To indicate a lack of value, return an empty string.
In order to run your BigqueryFieldExporter, you will need to implement a com.streak.logging.analysis.BigqueryFieldExporterSet. It only has one method:
- getExporters() returns the list of BigqueryFieldExporters.
Checkout the documentation in LogsExportConfiguration
We've been working on this functionality or a little bit of time but recently Google launched the ability for you to import datastore backups into BigQuery. The feature however is a manual process. Mache has built the ability for you to automatically kickoff backups of desired entity kinds and automatically start BigQuery ingestion jobs when the backup is complete.
- Add the mache JAR to your project
- Add the URL's listed in the logging section to your web.xml
- Create a class which implements
- Call
You can put this call in your cron.xml to have the bigquery tables updated periodically. Checkout the documentation in BuiltinDatastoreExportConfiguration
If you haven't already, sign up for BigQuery at
You will need to enable billing under the Billing tab.
- Go to the Google APIs console at
- Go to the Team tab.
- In the "Add a teammate:" field, enter {your appid} and give it owner permissions.
- Go to the BigQuery browser tool at
- Choose the blue triangular dropdown next to the name of your Google APIs project.
- Choose "Create new dataset". Note the name you chose. This is your BigQuery dataset ID.
- Go to the Google APIs console at, select the Google Cloud Storage tab, and make note of the number following "x-goog-project-id:". This is your Goole APIs project ID.