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What is this?

This repository contains the source code of ContaMiner. You can find a quick description of ContaMiner on the StruBE website.

Because you are special (indeed, not many people will read this README), I added a little description for you. OK, you can read the same on the StruBE website.

What is ContaMiner?

ContaMiner is a rapid large-scale detection of contaminant crystals.

Protein contaminants from the expression host, purification buffers or from affinity tags, may crystallize instead of the protein of interest. Unfortunately, this only becomes clear once the crystal structure has been determined...

ContaMiner allows rapid screening of X-ray diffraction data against the most likely protein contaminants.

How does it work?

Given an mtz or cif data file, ContaMiner uses an optimized molecular replacement procedure, based on MoRDa automatic molecular replacement pipeline.

How to use it?

If you are reading this file, I guess you want to use ContaMiner on your own cluster / supercomputer / whatever with many CPUs. These instructions are for you. If you did not understand what I just said, use the online webservice. It is much easier, trust me!

What specifications do I need?

While ContaMiner can technically run on a Pentium III @600MHz with 256MB RAM, the mean case will take 6.8 years of intensive computation. We recommand using as many cores as possible with a maximum of 2512. More cores are useful only if you want to run parallel sessions of ContaMiner. The basic configuration is done to use 1 core per task. If you have any technical reason to change this setting (different number of FPUs than cores), use a custom job template. For example: #SBATCH --nstasks 2 As molecular replacement is essentially computation of Fourier transform, the I/O is usually not a limiting resource.

What dependancies do I need?

ContaMiner is based on MoRDa. MoRDa is based on CCP4 tools. Therefore, you need CCP4 and MoRDa installed on your cluster / supercomputer / whatever with many CPUs. ContaMiner is designed to work on a cluster or a supercomputer. Job templates for xargs and SLURM come with ContaMiner, but you can easily adapt it to use any other scheduler.

ContaMiner is written in Python. Python3 is therefore another dependancy, as well as the packages listed in the file requirements.txt. Conda or virtualenv can be useful to install the dependancies.

How to install it?

ContaMiner needs CCP4 and MoRDa. You can find them here : CCP4: Software for Macromolecular Crystallography Morda - Biomex Solutions

Download and install them by following the given instructions on the two websites. It can take some time. Warning! ContaMiner does not support MoRDa installed with the CCP4 setup tool. MoRDa must be installed as a standalone software as described in the link above.

Next, you need to install ContaMiner, possibly in a virtualenv or conda env. I let you create the environment as you wish. Make sure to use a Python3.

Then install ContaMiner itself. With pip, you can run:

pip install git+

To generate a default configuration file, run any ContaMiner command. For example:

contaminer --help This command should describe how to run ContaMiner. It has also written a default (and likely incomplete) configuration file in ~/.contaminer/config.ini. Open this file and edit the missing variables.

Also make sure to use an adequate job_template. The default value uses xargs and 12 cores, but it is very likely not what you want to do. The easiest way if to copy the file used by default somewhere else, edit it to match your requirements (keep the %% tags in place), and indicate the new template path in the config file.

ContaMiner needs to run preparation steps before being taking your diffraction data. To "initialize the ContaBase" (meaning, to run morda_prep for each possible contaminant), simply run:

contaminer init

The command can take a long time to return, depending on your job template and the computation resources you have. If you encounter an error at this stage, something must be missing from the installation. The error message should help you solve the issue. Possible things to check are:

  • make sure ccp4 and MoRDa are properly installed
  • check the validity of the configuration file
  • make sure the configured job_template matches your infrastructure (you do not want to use xargs on a cluster, and do not want to use sbatch on a personal laptop).

How do I use ContaMiner?

When the initialization is complete (contaminer init-status returns "Ready") run a task with:

contaminer solve my-diffraction-file.mtz

This command will create a directory in your current directory, with the same name as your MTZ or CIF file. It will also run the necessary steps to check your diffraction file against the most common contaminants. You can specify which contaminants you want to check by adding other arguments:

contaminer solve my-diffraction-file.mtz P0A9K9 P0ACJ8

Any additional argument is a UniprotID of contaminants to check. Only contaminants present in the ContaBase (available with contaminer show contabase) are accepted.

Check the progress of the job with:

contaminer solve-status

To get the This command returns a large output in JSON format.

Each line of results.txt follows this pattern :

Contaminant,Pack number,Space group,Percent,Q factor,Status,Time

where :

  • Contaminant is the uniprot ID of the tested contaminant or c_ followed by the file name in the case of a user provided model.
  • Pack number is the number of the pack (according to the directory created by morda_prep)
  • Space group is the tested space group
  • Percent is the probability this molecular replacement is a solution (the user should consider the result as positive if B>90%, otherwise negative)
  • Q factor is the Q factor given by morda_solve
  • Status is the status of the process. It can be :
    • New: if the process did not run at all
    • Running: if the process is currently running
    • Complete: if the process reached the final stage
    • Aborted: if the process has been killed before the end by a tiem limit
    • Error : if morda_solve encountered an error
  • Time can be '0h 0m 0s' if the job did not run at all or is running, or a non-zero value displaying how long the process was running before completion or cancellation.

The best way to check if a positive result was found is to scan the results.txt file with grep.

grep -E -- "-9[0-9]-" results.txt

gives you the lines with a probability higher or equal to 90%.



ContaMiner is a rapid large-scale detection of contaminant crystals.







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