is a minimize Neovim plugin that lets you run your code in float window.
use {
config = function()
require 'module.floatrun'
cmd = {'FloatRunToggle', 'FloatTermToggle'}
Write the following configuration into ~/.config/nvim/lua/module/floatrun.lua
ui = {
border = "single",
float_hl = "Normal",
border_hl = "FloatBorder",
blend = 0,
height = 0.8,
width = 0.8,
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5
run_command = {
['cpp'] = 'g++ -std=c++11 %s -Wall -o {} && {}',
['python'] = "python %s",
['lua'] = "lua %s",
['sh'] = "sh %s",
[''] = "",
cmd = { "FloatRunToggle", "FloatTermToggle" },
opts = function()
return {
ui = {
border = "single",
float_hl = "Normal",
border_hl = "FloatBorder",
blend = 0,
height = 0.5,
width = 0.9,
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
run_command = {
cpp = "g++ -std=c++11 %s -Wall -o {} && {}",
python = "python %s",
lua = "lua %s",
sh = "sh %s",
[""] = "",
keys = {
{ "<F5>", mode = { "n", "t" }, "<cmd>FloatRunToggle<cr>" },
{ "<F2>", mode = { "n", "t" }, "<cmd>FloatTermToggle<cr>" },
{ "<F14>", mode = { "n", "t" }, "<cmd>FloatTerm<cr>" }, -- always create a new terminal
{ "<C-j>", mode = "t", "<cmd>FloatTermNext<cr>" }, -- switch next terminal
{ "<C-k>", mode = "t", "<cmd>FloatTermPrev<cr>" }, -- switch prev terminal