A simple soundboard app based on the work of alyssaburlton with all the original features plus:
- Multiple tabs with different Buttons showing
- A Splashscreen
- A Info button in the AppBar
- Todo: A DarkMode switch
If you want to fork this project to make your own custom list of quotes, then you'll need:
- Some audio clips that you want to play
- Images for the clips.
- At least one per 'source' of audio, but can add more if you want more granularity than that
- Must be square, at least 200x200 pixels in size and in PNG format.
The app is a lot more user-friendly if you normalise the various audio clips, so they play at a similar volume. To do this, you can use the normalize-audio package:
apt-get update
apt-get install normalize-audio
FILES=$(ls assets | grep .wav)
normalize-audio $FILES
Run an emulator, then:
flutter drive --driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart --target=integration_test/app_test.dart