Why ĵeto ? Because https://translate.google.com/?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#eo/en/%C4%B5eto
DOC: http://jeto.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
This is currently a work in progress
ĵeto is the web interface to several APIs (nginx-api, vagrant-worker and htpasswd-api).
With ĵeto you add and manage (start/stop/provision) vagrant projects on the fly without connecting via SSH.
###Providers Providers like vagrant-vsphere, allowing you to deploy your vagrant project into a VMWare cluster; pluginvagrant-aws which deploys your project right onto Amazon AWS or any other can all be used
Access Control Management has been implemented. You can restrict access to project (a group of vagrant instances). You can also give access on the host level.
As an example : You will be able to give a group of Developers access to a project. But only the lead developer has PROD access.
So all developers can deploy/start/stop/provision the DEV environment but only the lead has access to deploy to the PROD environment
###GIT Git and multi-machines are now supported. You can launch a vagrant instance from a project that is linked from a git repository. At creation time you can choose which branch/tag you want to use.
Feel free to contact us if you want a little demo around the project.
requires: pip install mock
from the checkout run python tests/tests_services.py
[Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported] [2] [2]: https://raw.github.com/Pheromone/vagrant-control/master/LICENSE.txt
Keep in mind that this project is closer to ALPHA than to STABLE. DO NOT use on production system.