Web Interface similar to Stackoverflow.
1.) Import the questionbox.sql file into appropriate MySql database
2.) Configure credentials in ./config/database_config
3.) Start server using $ npm start
4.) Succes messages-
listening at 3000
Connected to the MySQL server
POST /auth/signup BODY {user_name, first_name, last_name, email, user_password, bio}
POST /auth/login BODY {user_name,password}
GET /users/:name
GET /users/id/:id
PATCH /users/update BODY any of these fields {user_name, first_name, last_name, email, bio}
PATCH /users/resetpassword BODY {password}
DELETE /users/delete
GET /users/:id/follow
POST /users/:id/follow
POST /users/:id/unfollow
GET /users/:id/followers
GET /users/:id/following
POST /questions/add BODY {question, topics : [topic_id1, topic_id2, ...]}
GET /questions/ //all questions
GET /questions/?topic=topic_id //topic specific questions
GET /questions/:id
GET /questions/:id/upvoted
POST /questions/:id/upvote
GET /questions/:q_id/downvoted
POST /questions/:q_id/downvote
PATCH /questions/:id BODY {question}
DELETE /questions/:id
GET /questions/:q_id/follow
POST /questions/:q_id/follow
POST /questions/:q_id/unfollow
GET /questions/:q_id/followers
GET /questions/user/following
POST /topics BODY {name}
GET /topics
GET /topics/:t_id
PATCH /topics/:t_id BODY {name}
DELETE /topics/:t_id
GET /topics/:t_id/questions
POST /topics/question/:q_id BODY {topic_id}
GET /topics/question/:q_id
DELETE /topics/question/:q_id
GET /topics/:t_id/follow
POST /topics/:t_id/follow
POST /topics/:t_id/unfollow
GET /topics/:t_id/followers
GET /topics/user/following
POST /questioncomments/question/:q_id BODY {comment}
GET /questioncomments/:c_id
GET /questioncomments/question/:q_id
PATCH /questioncomments/:c_id BODY {comment}
DELETE /questioncomments/:c_id
GET /answers/question/:q_id
GET /answers/:a_id
POST /answers/question/:q_id BODY {answer}
GET /answers/:a_id/upvoted
POST /answers/:a_id/upvote
GET /answers/:a_id/downvoted
POST /answers/:a_id/downvote
PATCH /answers/:a_id BODY {answer}
DELETE /answers/:a_id
POST /answercomments/answer/:a_id BODY {comment}
GET /answercomments/:c_id
GET /answercomments/answer/:a_id
PATCH /answercomments/:c_id BODY {comment}
DELETE /answercomments/:c_id