Udemy - Course on PostgreSQL published under my RPubs repository and GitHub repository
Includes lecture notes and exercises using SQL commands.
- SQL: Statement Fundamentals
- SQL: GROUP BY Statements
- SQL: Advanced SQL Commands
- SQL: Creating Database and Tables
- SQL: Bonus Lectures
- SQL: Statement Fundamentals - General Challenges
- SQL: Assessment Test 1 - GROUP BY Statements
- SQL: Assessment Test 2 - JOINS and Advanced SQL Commands
- SQL: Assessment Test 3 - Creating Databases and Tables
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Movie Rating - PART I
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Movie Rating - PART II
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Movie Rating - PART III
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Social Network - PART I
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Social Network - PART II
- SQL: Stanford Exercises - Social Network - PART III
-Sulman Khan