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Finite State Machine engine in Python with template code generator and examples. No if/else statements! Class driven. Fully documented.

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Gamzia Finite State Machine module for Deterministic Finite Automatons

Finite State Machine engine in Python 3+ with examples. No if/else statements! Class driven.


To use this module in your Python program, simply import it:

from fsm import *

or, if you prefer to be explicit

from fsm import Context, State, Dispatcher

Contents of this project

Module Classes Summary
fsm Context, State, Dispatcher Contains the a DFA engine for Finit State Machines.
Context Provides a transitory, globally accessible store for state information.
State A base FSM State class which must be inherited and have its run() method overriden with your logic.
Dispatcher The actual engine which invokes the correct states to execute the machine.
fsm-demo A simple code example for using the FSM module.
fsm-rle A more complex, purposeful example of using the FSM module, which acts as a utility for Run-Length Encoding.
fsm-gen A powerful command line utility for automatic code template generation for your DFA as an FSM.
urle A simple command line utility to expand RLE archives.

You can review the explanatory API documentation, or learn how to build an FSM quickly with the code generator tool via the Workshop Tutorial.

API Documentation

A Finite State Machine (FSM), in Computer Science terms, is a "directed graph". It is finite, as there is a complete path from start to termination. It is Stateful as it consists of a number of states that execute independently until a trigger condition occurs to force a transition to another state. It is a machine, because a well designed FSM can be given input and run independently.

An FSM is also known as a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA). It is deterministic, because when given the same input it will always produce the same output (randomness aside). It is finite as per above. And it is an automaton, which is another name for automatic machine.

FSM Module

The FSM module is a complete engine for creating and executing FSMs. It restricts state scope to local, with the exception of a Context object, which is responsible for making shared information accessible. It uses a base State Class, which provides a method (run()) to be overridden, to contain your specific state logic. And it is an automated machine, providing a Dispatcher class, which controls State transitions, instantiates desired states, and monitors progress until completion.

Using the FSM module is simple.

Part 1 -> Create an FSM Diagram

Before starting to code, you should create a diagram containing each state, their triggers and which states they transition to.

The following diagram is an example only. Later, we will design a diagram for a basic network handshake protocol, and convert it to an FSM machine using fsm-gen.

Example FSM Diagram

  1. You create a class based on State base class:
class MyState(State):
  1. You call the base constructor with your State's plain-language label (meant for ease of reference):
   def __init__(self, stateName):
  1. You override the run() function and provide your logic for this specific state:
   def run(context):
      # TODO: Replace this with your logic
      print(f"Currently in {}")
  1. Still in run(), you add your triggers and the appropriate state to transition to:
      # Example only
      if (input=""):

Example State Class

class State1(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      print(f"Currently in {}")

      print (f"Next state is {context.getNextState()}.")
# End of class State1

Part 3 -> The 5 Step main()

Starting the FSM is simple. There are 5 required steps:

  1. Create the context object. Populate it with any required initial values.
def main():
   # 1. Create our context 
   context = Context("MyApp")
   # Populate it with any initial values
   context.set("infile", "data.txt")
   context.set("outfile", "temp.out")
   context.set("property", "value")
  1. Name the initial (starting) state:
   # 2. Identify the first state to instantiate
  1. Create a dispatcher object.
   # 3. Create our dispatcher
   dispatcher = Dispatcher(context)
  1. Execute our dispatcher, starting and running the state machine to completion; note we must pass it our current context.
   # 4. dispatcher.dispatch(context)
  1. We're done, report any exit message
   # 5. Done
   print ("SUCCESS!")

Example main() function

# Only five steps are needed to run the FSM.
def main():
   # 1. Create our context
   # (Populate it with some dummy values for this test)
   context.set("Module", "FSM")
   context.set("Counter", 0)

   # 2. Identify the first state to instantiate

   # 3. Create our dispatcher

   # 4. Dispatch! This executes the FSM

   # 5. Done
# End of main

if __name__=="__main__":

Code Template Generation

If you are creating FSMs, it is highly recommended you use the fsm-gen utility. It will build the scaffolding and you will need only to enter your state logic in each appropriate derived State class. It is recommended to use the fsm-gen tool once you have completed your FSM diagram.

The Context Class is used to create context information for the FSM - contextual data for each state, which can be shared with other states. Each state is considered independent. Persistent (global) information must be passed to it through the context object, which at its core is a dictionary of properties.

Method Alias(es) Parameters Returns Summary
__init__() None string contextName Class instance The default constructor takes one parameter, which is typically the name of the FSM being implemented.
set() push(), put() string key, var value nothing Puts a property (Key=value) into the context dictionary.
get() peek(), pop() string key value, or None Retrieves key value, if key exists; else returns None.
delete() None string key nothing If the key exists in dictionary, deletes it (and value).
clear() None None nothing Deletes all keys and resets context dictionary to empty.
getAll() None None string JSON object Creates a JSON representation of the context properties, if any.
setNextState() None string className nothing The name of the class to instantiate and invoke (via run()) for the next state.
getNextState() None None string className Returns the name of the class for the next state, if any is defined. Should be defined by setNextState() first.
count() None None int numProperties Returns the number of properties in the context dictionary. Executes len(self.__dict).
exists() None string key boolean doesExist True if key exists, False otherwise. NOTE: Returns True if key exists and value is None.


  • Context also supports len(); len(context) will return the number of properties stored.
  • Context also supports str(); str(context) will return a JSON representation of the object.
  • Context also supports iteration; for t in context will return a tuple of key=value in the order submitted
from fsm import Context

context = Context("Test")
context.push ("item", "one")
context.push ("red", "dwarf")
context.push ("blue", "elf")

>>> print (len(context))

>>> print str(context)
   'item': 'one',
   'red': 'dwarf',
   'blue': 'elf'

>>> for t in context:
...    print(t)
('item', 'one')
('red', 'dwarf')
('blue', 'elf')

The State Class is the base class you must:

  1. Derive your state class from, and
  2. Override the run() method, implementing your logic for that state. See here for more info.
Method Parameters Returns Summary
__init__() stateName Class instance The constructor requires a human readable name for the state, and it must call super(). See here for more info.
run() Context object nothing You must override this function with your logic, and set the next state as required. See here for more info.

NOTE: The property key __NoCaller is a reserved key and must not be used by your program. It is a boolean directive for the dispatcher, for when the dispatcher is called from within fsm versus from within your module.

The Dispatcher Class is the engine of the FSM, which invokes and switches States as required based on triggers. It has only one method, dispatch(), which must be called with a valid Context object.

Method Parameters Returns Summary
dispatch() Context object nothing When provided a valid context object, will determine the correct python pathing to the required derived State class to instantiate, and execute the finite state machine.

In Python, a module has access to the classes in itself, and any classes it imported. You may wonder, if the fsm module doesn't import your module, how can it invoke classes from it? This is indeed the problem, which the dispatcher solves. We take advantage of the interpreted nature of Python, and use reflection to examine the module of the calling function. From this, we can determine a proper Python path to out-of-module State Class, create a reference to it (a type of class pointer), and then instantiate the class from this reference:

      if context.exists("__NoCaller"):
         caller_globals = globals()
         caller_globals = dict(inspect.getmembers(inspect.stack()[1][0]))["f_globals"]
      while (context.getNextState()!=None):
         klass = caller_globals[context.getNextState()]

NOTE: As mentioned above, __NoCaller is a reserved key; if we are invoking dispatch() from within the fsm module (done in test cases), then we can not look for caller class information as there is none and the class is already in scope.

The demo code is a very simplistic FSM meant to show how to use the fsm engine. It fulfills the following DFA diagram:

fsm-demo Diagram


State1 is as simple a state that we can make. It overrides run() to report what state the machine is in, then calls the super() which by default, prints out the contents of the context in JSON format, and finally, it sets the next state to invoke:

   def run(self, context):
      print(f"Currently in {}.")

      print (f"Next state is {context.getNextState()}.")

NOTE: When setting the next state, one must use the state's Class name, not it's humanly readable state name. The class name is for the machine; while the state name is for your reference.


According to the diagram, State2 is meant to occur three times. It will go back to State1 each time, until a counter x reaches 3, at which point it will proceed to the end instead.

State objects are scoped locally; this means all variables within it are lost when the state transitions to another state. This is by design, as FSMs are not meant to be stateful (ie, States are stateless by nature). To ensure this, the dispatcher creates a new instance of the State class each time it is entered. Any previous instances will be disposed of by Python garbage collection. This also prevents hard to debug programming errors - all settings for a State instance are new each time it is invoked.

But if States are stateless, how can we count how many iterations State2 has executed? This is where the Context comes in. We store whatever information we need to persist within the context. In this case, we store a counter value; we initialize it to 0 if it doesn't already exist (first access) and increment it by 1 if it does exist:

   if not context.exists("Counter"):
      # First access, create and initialize
      context.set("Counter", x)
   # ... do operation
   # increment and store for next time
   context.set("Counter", x)

Finally, we must clarify which state to transition to on our trigger. According to the diagram, the trigger is based on the value of x:

   # Evaluate x to set next state
   if (x<3):

Note that we use the class name, not the humanly readable state name, when setting the next state. A value of None will cause the state machine to stop (gracefully).

The fsm-rle utility is a larger example of a slightly more complex, but useful, FSM. This machine will take a file as input, and will Run-Length-Encode (RLE) into a .rle output file. There are many different formats of RLE, so we should first look at what format we will be using.

0x05, 0x41

...would represent a run of 5 bytes, of decimal value 65, hex $41, which is equivalent to an ASCII 'A'. This would expand to:


so every byte in the source file is represented in a tuple of 2 bytes, the run and the control bytes.

As you can no doubt predict, RLE is a poor compression technique for most data sets such as text, emails, etc... but it has its place in raw graphics data and even old 6502 memory compression. However, it is simple to understand, and easy to model in an FSM.

Diagram of RLE FSM

The following diagram shows the FSM approach to RLE:

fsm-rle Diagram

There is also a simple utility program,, which will decompress an RLE encoded file back to its original size.

Armed with the above information, you are prepped to review the code and see how easy it is to make this slightly more complicated DFA using the fsm engine.

This section will show how to use the fsm-gen tool. We will step through an example state machine for an imaginary protocol; create the corresponding FSM Diagram, implement the custom State logic, and build a fully functional FSM program.
This section is meant to serve as a hands-on workshop tutorial only.

The utility is a template code generator. It will collect parameters from you, which it will then use to output a functional Python program. You will then need to edit the code template and insert your specific state logic.

This workshop will take you step-by-step through the process of building an FSM using the Gamzia fsm module.

STEP 1: Use Case

For our use case, we will consider a bogus network interaction between computers. Computers communicate using protocols. We introduce the following simple protocol and rules, which we will call the MUD (Mislead, Useless Design) Protocol:

Client connects to server.
Server: HELLO "Respond with email address"
Client: <email address>
Server: DATA *"Ready to receive"
Client: <any data>
Server: BYE <client email>

STEP 2: Describe the states


  • sets @email to "Unknown"
  • sets @errors to 0
  • sets @maxerrors to 3
  • sets @data o ""
  • Triggers on completion, transitions to HELLO_STATE


  • prints "HELLO 'Respond with email address'"
  • gets input into @email
  • rough validates @email value
  • Trigger: bad email, transitions to INVALID_EMAIL_STATE
  • Trigger: good email, transitions to DATA_STATE


  • reports invalid email, counts errors
  • increments @errors
  • Trigger: if @errors >= @maxerrors, transitions to TERMINATION_STATE
  • else transitions: HELLO_STATE


  • prints "DATA 'Ready to receive'"
  • prompts for a line of text data (EOL terminated) input into @data
  • Trigger: if bad @data, transition to INVALID_DATA_STATE;
  • else, transition to LOG_STATE


  • reports invalid, counts instances
  • increments errors
  • Trigger: if @errors >= @maxerrors, transitions to TERMINATION_STATE
  • Transitions to DATA_STATE


  • writes the data to an outfile
  • reports results
  • Transitions to TERMINATION_STATE


  • prints "BYE '@email'"
  • ends / signals FSM to exit

STEP 3: Create FSM Diagram

The following state diagram visualizes the logic outlined for the use case:

fsm-mud diagram

STEP 4: Run

NOTE: The python script does not need any command line arguments. A future version will allow for automation; however at the time of this writing, the utility program is interactive only.

It will prompt you for information about your FSM and will output a functional code template. This template will run immediately, but will not do anything of significance until you code your own logic into each appropriate state class.

> python

To replicate our MUD FSM in fsm-gen, answer the prompts as follows:

Welcome to FSM Template Generator for the Python FSM module.
By Karim Sultan, September 2021.

This utility will ask a few questions about your DFA / FSM and will generate
a code template.  This is the interactive version.

1. Name of outfile:
Writing to source file: ""

2. Number of states? (1-100) 7
Generating 7 states.

3. Would you like to name the states (tag or brief description)? [y/n] <y> y
Name for State 1: INIT_STATE
Name for State 2: HELLO_STATE
Name for State 4: DATA_STATE
Name for State 5: INVALID_DATA_STATE
Name for State 6: LOG_STATE
The state names are:

4. Will you use command line parameters? [y/n] <y> y
Using command line parameters: True

5. Do you want to show syntax for usage? [y/n] <y> y
Show usage syntax on no parameters: True

6. What is the name of this app?  <Mud>
Using app name of "Mud"

7. What is the author's name? <Unknown> Sultaneous
Using author name of "Sultaneous"

Ready to produce summary.  Hit <enter> to continue... [y] <y> y

8. Summary
App name: "Mud" by "Sultaneous"
Writing to source file: ""
Generating 7 states.
  1.  State1:   INIT_STATE
  2.  State2:   HELLO_STATE
  4.  State4:   DATA_STATE
  5.  State5:   INVALID_DATA_STATE
  6.  State6:   LOG_STATE
Requires use of command line parameters: True
Show usage syntax when no parameters: True

I am now ready to generate a python code template.
Do you wish me to begin?  [y/n] <y> y


  1. Step 1 is the file name of the python file to generate. If it exists you will be prompted to allow overwrite.
  2. Step 2 is the number of states in our FSM. The diagram shows 7.
  3. Step 3 allows you to name the states. If you select 'n', then the states are given unique but generic names. We will select 'y' as we want to identify our states as per our diagram.
    1. We are now prompted to name each state; we replicate the names from the diagram.
  4. The generator can add code to collect the command line arguments for us into argc and args[]. We will select yes in case we want to extend this template further (for example, provide the log file name on the command line).
  5. The show syntax option is only available if we choose to use command line arguments. It will provide a blurb on syntax when the program is executed without parameters.
  6. The name of the app is the name of the FSM, set in the context, used by the engine.
  7. Enter your name.
  8. This is a summary step which reports what will be built. **NOTE: the report will be saved to a file named <> for later reference. Answer 'y' to generate the template, or enter 'n' to abort (all entries will be lost). If you enter 'n' you will be asked to confirm.

You can now validate everything worked properly by executing the template:

> python

Mud by Sultaneous, September 21, 2021
<Explain purpose>
Syntax: <mandatory params> ... [optional params] ...

Ok, we requested the use of command line arguments, even though we don't really need them. So since we didn't provide any, mud just shows the syntax and exits. We can get around this by giving it a dummy argument.

> python dummy_parameter

Currently in INIT_STATE
Currently in HELLO_STATE
Currently in DATA_STATE
Currently in LOG_STATE

That's better. This time, the state machine was executed, and the default behaviour of each generated template is to just report its state name, and then proceed to the next state. This has the effect of enumerating our states, but it doesn't do anything useful yet.

STEP 5: Add Your Logic

The last step is for us to edit the code template and fill in our logic. We will do this in a state-by-state basis. Our first state's humanly readable label is "INIT_STATE", but its class name is State1. The remaining states are classes State2 through State7. The code for each class contains their name so we don't get confused. We can also refer to the report generated by fsm-gen.

Finally, the generator will create a useful table called states which is a dictionary that maps the humanly readable name to its class name. This way one can refer to states using the human labels:

   states['INIT_STATE'] = "State1"
   # Setting State by Class name
   # Setting State by Human Label


The INIT_STATE sets up some variables in the context. These will be shared between multiple states.

class State1(State):
  def __init__(self, stateName):

  def run(self, context):
     # Initialize context properties
     context.set("email", "Unknown")
     context.set("errors", 0)
     context.set("maxErrors", 3)
     context.set("data", "")
     context.set("outfile", "mud.tmp")

     # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions

# End of class State1
  • "email" is given a temporary value in case FSM terminates early
  • once our required shared variables are initialized, we transition automatically to HELLO_STATE (as per the diagram).


The HELLO_STATE issues the HELLO protocol command, and reads input. It also performs a poor-man's "validation" of the email.

class State2(State):
  def __init__(self, stateName):

  def run(self, context):
     # Issue HELLO <msg>
     print("HELLO \"Respond with email\"")
     email=input("> ")

     # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions
     # Poor man's validation / for demo purpose only
     if (not '@' in email) or (not '.' in email):
        # Ensure we reset error counter
        context.set("errors", 0)
        context.set("email", email)

# End of class State2
  • if email doesn't pass test, then we transition to INVALID_EMAIL_STATE
  • if email is ok, reset error counter, store email, and transition to DATA_STATE


This state increments the error count and reports it. If maxErrors is exceeded, it will terminate (via TERMINATION_STATE).

class State3(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      # Count and report
      context.set("errors", context.get('errors')+1)
      print(f"Invalid email, error number {context.get('errors')} of {context.get('maxErrors')}.")

      # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions
      if (context.get('errors')>=context.get('maxErrors')):

# End of class State3
  • if less than max errors, transitions back to HELLO_STATE and repeats.
  • if maxErrors (3) exceeded, it transitions to TERMINATION_STATE.


This state is responsible for collecting, and validating, data from the client. Data is considered invalid if it is blank or empty.

class State4(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      # Issue DATA <msg>
      print("DATA \"Respond with text data\"")
      context.set("data", input("> "))
      # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions
      if (context.get("data")=="") or (context.get("data").strip()==""):

# End of class State4
  • recall the error counter was reset prior to entering this state, so the client can make up to three mistakes here
  • data is empty if it is "" and is blank if it contains only whitespace (we use str.strip() to test for this)


This state is very similar to INVALID_EMAIL_STATE. For this workshop, we are being explicit, but perhaps you can envision how both these states could be generalized into a single INVALID_INPUT_STATE. There are always multiple ways to design a DFA.

class State5(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      # Count and report
      context.set("errors", context.get('errors')+1)
      print(f"Invalid data, error number {context.get('errors')} of {context.get('maxErrors')}.")

      # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions
      if (context.get('errors')>=context.get('maxErrors')):

# End of class State5
  • The logic we added here is almost identical to State3 (INVALID_EMAIL_STATE)
  • If within permitted errors, just loop back to DATA_STATE and repeats


This state writes the data to the file. We will prefix the data with the email address so that we know who sent what. The file name is stored in the context; it is done this way so that theoretically one could extend this utility to read the file name from a command line argument.

class State6(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      # Append data to temp file
      file=open(context.get("outfile"), "a+")
      fmt="[{}] {}\n"
      file.write(str.format(fmt, context.get('email'),
      # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions

# End of class State6
  • file is opened in 'a' APPEND mode, to ensure we collect logs, not overwrite them
  • file is opened with '+' modifier to create it if it doesn't exist
  • once we have written out the file, we are done. Transition automatically to TERMINATION_STATE


This is the final state - it simply issues a BYE message and then sets the next state to None. A None value indicates to the dispatcher to stop processing and to end the FSM.

class State7(State):
   def __init__(self, stateName):

   def run(self, context):
      # Issue BYE <email>
      print(f"BYE {context.get('email')}")

      # Set the next state based on triggers/transitions

# End of class State7
  • That's it! We've mapped the entire FSM MUD Diagram into coded states with transitions. We should now have a functional state machine.
  • run the program to test our logic


Here's some example output (with intentional errors):

> python

HELLO "Respond with email"
> Sultaneous
Invalid email, error number 1 of 3.
HELLO "Respond with email"
Invalid email, error number 2 of 3.
HELLO "Respond with email"
DATA "Respond with text data"
Invalid data, error number 1 of 3.
DATA "Respond with text data"
Invalid data, error number 2 of 3.
DATA "Respond with text data"
> This is the first data sent under the MUD Protocol FSM!

our log file:

> cat mud.tmp
[] This is the first data sent under the MUD Protocol FSM!


Some notes:

  • State machines are powerful methods of design and implementation
  • State machines are not useful for all computer science applications
  • State machines can be used in a vast number of scenarios
  • The fsm module is a fast and painless way to make state machines of varying complexity
  • An FSM diagram is an essential design tool for laying out your machine
  • From the diagram, you need only code relevant logic for each state.
  • The Context class provides a transport layer for stateful, cross-state information
  • The Dispatcher class provides a Context driven automation which runs your machine for you
  • The fsm-gen utility script will autogenerate a code template for you, preparing scaffolding for your logic
  • The workshop tutorial takes you through the proposal, design, diagramming, and implementation of an FSM example, showing how easy using the fsm module can be!
  • FSM's are fun, powerful, and automated.


Finite State Machine engine in Python with template code generator and examples. No if/else statements! Class driven. Fully documented.







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