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SunoikisisDC Summer 2021 Session 13

Monica Berti edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 10 revisions

Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Summer 2021

Session 13. eAQUA - Extraction of structured knowledge from ancient sources for Classical Studies

Thursday July 8, 17:15-18:45 CEST

Convenors: Corina Willkommen and Jens Wittig (University of Leipzig)

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Session outline

This session focuses on the text mining based program eAQUA – Extraction of structured knowledge from ancient sources for Classical Studies. In a brief introduction to the project, its multi-year development since the start of the project in 2008 and the progress and developments will briefly presented. The second detailed part shows the two most important tools. The aim of the session is to get a first insight into the working methods of classical scholars with tools based on text mining, the "co-occurrences search" and the "citation search", as well as their advantages as a method for classical studies, but also their limits.

Originally, the project had several tools that focused not only on ancient studies, but also on the disciplines of the former cooperation partners, such as modern historians, Greek and Latinists. The aim of the interdisciplinary cooperation between humanities scientists and computer scientists was to gain new and structured knowledge from ancient or early modern sources and to further develop tools and processes from the text-mining segment. Today's tool has an ancient science focus and will continue in the coming years by the chair of ancient history at the University of Trier.

The tools from eAQUA can be used on both free and licensed text corpora. We provide our tools here, as far as they are independent of licensed text corpora, for research and teaching purposes. The underlying texts are subject to different access rights. The texts from the Perseus Digital Library are used here with the permission of the Perseus Project (Tufts University). For texts whose license allows processing and analysis for free, non-commercial use in research and teaching, our tools can be used to search for co-occurrences. This relates to the databases of the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae), BTL (Bibliotheca Teubneriana), the Patrologia Latina and various Subcorpora.

For this sesson we have set up a time-limited access for you so that you can either understand the individual work steps in the program parallel to the lecture or try out later. Unfortunately, due to the licenses, we cannot grant you permanent access, which is why this access becomes invalid after two days. User-Name/Benutzer: sdc Code/Passwort: 2021

Seminar Readings

Corina Willkommen & Jens Wittig. Digital Classics in der Praxis: Arbeiten mit eAQUA: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019 (Digital Classics Books, Band 2). Available at

Further Readings:

  • Charlotte Schubert & Gerhard Heyer. Working Papers Contested Order: Das Portal eAQUA – Neue Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung I – Eine Einführung in das Portal eAQUA. Available at

  • Charlotte Schubert & Sven-Philipp Brandt (hrsg.). Der Protreptikos des Iamblich: Rekonstruktion, Refragmentarisierung und Kontextualisierung mit Textmining. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2017 (Digital Classics Books, Band 1). Available at

  • Michaela Rücker. "eAQUA: Text als „Wissensrohstoff?“, in: Neue Methoden der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Eine Einführung in das Portal eAQUA II. Hrsg. von Ch. Schubert & G. Heyer (Working Papers Contested Order No.3), Leipzig 2011, S. 54-63.

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