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SunoikisisDC Summer 2021 Session 15

Franziska Naether edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 10 revisions

Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Summer 2021

Session 15. Beyond Classics: The Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP)

Thursday July 22, 17:15-18:45 CEST

Convenors: Susanne Töpfer (Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino) and Franziska Naether (Leipzig University/Stellenbosch University)

YouTube link:

Slides: will be uploaded after the session

Session outline

Since 2017, the Museo Egizio in Turin has been working to digitise their collection of papyri. In September 2019, the Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP) was launched online, employing digital information technologies to make the collection virtually accessible across borders and disciplinary boundaries. The “virtual” conservation of papyri by means of their digitisation and connection to a network of researchers will ensure the long-term preservation of written material and its accessibility by anyone from anywhere and at any time. The session consists of two parts; after an introductory part on the history of and objects in the museum's papyrus collection, the concept and structure of the “Turin papyrus online platform” (TPOP) will be presented. TPOP is an open-access repository, it shall facilitate all stages in the workflow, from the conservation of the papyrus material and the recording of data to their online publication. It is a multi-user platform, enabling the community of experts based at different European locations to contribute data. Furthermore, at the front end it will automatically adapt to the needs of different users, from the interested layman to the highly specialized philologist and papyrologist.

Seminar readings

Further Reading

Other resources



How many “Amduat” papyri written in cursive hieroglyphic script can you find in the database ( Choose one of them and write down one paragraph on what information you find most interesting and another paragraph what information you are missing.