Open Steel Design and Graphics
Osdag on Cloud
Osdag on Cloud is a web-based free/libre and open-source software for the design (and detailing) of steel structures, following the Indian Standard IS 800:2007. It allows the user to design steel connections, members and systems using a graphical user interface. The interactive GUI provides a 3D visualisation of the designed component and an option to export the CAD model to any drafting software for the creation of construction/fabrication drawings. The design is typically optimised following industry best practices.
Download the latest version of Osdag
Operating System: Ubuntu LTS 20.04 / 22.04 Hardware Requirements: Minimum 4 Gb RAM Minimum of 1 Gb of free disk space
This setup script is for machines running Ubuntu that do not have Miniconda3. If you have Miniconda3 already installed on your computer, please skip Step/Command 1 and proceed to Step/Command 2.
Installing Python version 3 Command 1: sudo apt update Command 2: sudo apt install python3 Command 3: python3 --version
Installing GCC Command 1: sudo apt update Command 2: sudo apt install build-essential Command 3: gcc --version
The Osdag on Cloud project uses ’Conda’ environment which contains all the dependencies. To first download these, visit the link : and download the Installer [Release:2021-02-15] for Ubuntu.
Extract the downloaded installer using the Archive Manager/File-Roller, or using the following command on the bash prompt:
tar -xvf Osdag_ubuntu_installer_v2021.02.a.a12f.tar.gz
Note: If you have already installed the previous version of Osdag in your system then delete the same. It is mandatory to execute Commands 1 and 2 to successfully install this version of Osdag. If you have LaTeX installed you may skip Step/Command 3.
In bash, navigate to the extracted installation folder containing the shell scripts (the folder that contains this README file) and a folder named Osdag, and enter Command 1, Command 2 and Command 3 given below.
Note: After entering Command 1, while installing Miniconda3, you will be asked
whether you wish to set the system default python to Miniconda3. You need to agree
to this, in order for the second command to work. After installing Miniconda3 close the terminal.
Re-open the terminal at the same location and execute Command 2 and/or Command 3 respectively.
You will need internet connection to execute Step/Command 3.
Step/Command 1:
Step/Command 2:
Step/Command 3:
Running Osdag:
After the installation is complete, you may copy/move the extracted Osdag folder
to a location of your choice (say, directly under your home folder).
Using the Command:
In the bash prompt, navigate to the Osdag directory and enter the following command
Running Osdag on Cloud:
Node v16.20.0 : Install Node from NVM by running these commands in the terminal
Command 1:
cd ~
Command 2:
curl -sL -o
Command 3:
sudo bash
Command 4:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Command 5:
node -v
Postgres : Install Postgres by running the following commands
Command 1:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
Command 2:
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Command 3:
sudo apt-get update
Command 4:
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql
Freecad : Install freecad with the following commands
Command 1:
cd /
Command 2:
sudo apt-get update
Command 3:
sudo apt-get install snapd
Command 4:
sudo snap install freecad
Installing Vite
Command 1:
sudo apt-get -y install vite
Setting up Osdag on Cloud
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra
git clone
conda activate
Enter into the Postgres Terminal
sudo -u postgres psql
Create a new role
Create a database
CREATE DATABASE "postgres_Intg_osdag" WITH OWNER osdagdeveloper;
Exit fron the Postgres terminal
Enter into the Osdag-web folder which you have cloned
cd Desktop/Osdag-web
Switch to "develop" branch
git checkout develop
Install requirements.txt packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the Postgres database
python migrate
Install the node dependencies
cd osdagclient
npm install
cd ..
Start the Django server
python runserver 8000
Open another terminal, navigate to root of Osdag-web folder and run the following commands
cd osdagclient
npm run dev
Now your server and client should be running. Navigate to http://localhost:5173/ on your browser.
Osdag on Cloud invites enthusiasts with similar interest(s) to contribute to Osdag on Cloud development. Your contributions can go a long way in improving the software. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.
- Bug reports
- Feature requests
- Pull requests
(c) Copyright Osdag contributors 2020.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the License.txt file for details regarding the license.
The beta version of Osdag is released under the terms and conditions of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL) Version 3.
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