✨I am looking for a challenging career opportunity in IT industry that will help me leverage my knowledge and technical skills. I want to be a part of an organization where I can continue to learn, sharpen my skills while adding value to the organization with a group of motivated people helping and sharing knowledge with each other with the objective of increasing the competitiveness of the organization
I have good knowledge of programming languages like Core Java ,Python, MySQL , Php,R ,C,OPP,MS EXCEL
I also have knowledge on Frameworks like Angular js, and Data analysis, Dashboards
I have good knowledge of ML like Supervised,Unsupervised ,Deep learning .Made a full E2E project on it 🔗https://spam-email-and-sms-classifier-pnionjxgaq94r8brm9zkyt.streamlit.app/
I’m compatible on working various operating systems like windows xp,windows10 , etc.
I wrote Html ,Css ,mySQL web applications in my final year project.