My implementation of ToDo App.
- I'm aware that the filter input should be sanitized - debouncing - wait a little before the filtering according to the entered query is executed.
- Filtering the tasks: whether the task is done or not is missing.
- I could have used a React Router - maybe each list with its own route
- No styling at all - this app uses stock MaterialUI styling.
- Edit functionality is missing
- I'm aware that MaterialUI has Date / Time pickers, but I used basic HTML5 input field of type datetime-local for deadline instead.
- no validation of input fields at all.
- no feedback - "toast" or "snackbar" or "loading" would be great.
This ToDo App is the most basic ToDo App possible. Unfortunatelly, I didn't have a lot of time to spare at the time of doing this. I hope this fact will be taken into account when being judged. I spent around 8 to 12 hours in total.