PSX XMB Manager v3
New in PSX XMB Manager v3
- Adapted .gitignore
- Added "PS1 Games Library"
- Installation progress is now shown in a separate window
- "Projects" menu item renamed to "Manage Projects"
- "Partition Manager" menu item renamed to "HDD Partition Manager"
- "Game Library" menu item renamed to "PS2 Games Library"
- It is now possible to create a PS1 game project
- Game must be in VCD format
- Supports multi-disc games and creates DISCS.TXT automatically
- The game ID can be loaded automatically from the VCD file (prompt)
- The game title will also be loaded automatically from the VCD file
- The required partition space will be calculated automatically
- Before the actual installation begins you will be prompted to confirm the creation of the given partition with its new name and required size
- The installation process can look like stuck/frozen but continues in the background, do not interrupt before any dialog appears!
- It is now possible to delete a project
Game Resources Editor
- Now supports loading PS1 game projects and its resources
- Game cover and all other information can be loaded automatically from PSXDatacenter if a game ID and title is given
PS1 Games Library
- Added a new PS1 games library to load backups on PC
- Loading games on PSX HDD is maybe planned for the next release
- Supports loading .BIN and .VCD files
- Easily create a new PS1 game project for the PSX directly from the game library (Right click on the game within the game library)
PS2 Games Library
- Improved the quick game project creation in case there's no data on PSXDatacenter
XMB Tools
New Asset Browser
- Open a _system or xosd folder to load, view and edit its content
- Display image files (.jpeg, .jpg, .png), .dds)
- Edit image files (Work in progress)
- Display .ttf Font files
- Open & Edit .xml & .dic files
Files list context menu options:
- Open the folder that contains the file
- Replace the selected file with another one
New Text Editor for .xml & .dic files
- Includes syntax highlighting
- Automatically translate strings to most languages
- The "PSX HDD Mount Status" gets now updated correctly when connecting to a HDD for the first time