This improved user mode is based on the original light control usermod, which was the first in WLED usermod. This is improved in that it can turn on the lights even when the stairs go out from any direction. Turns off with HTTP API commands U0 = 0 & RV = 0 or U0 = 0 & RV = 1 lights up with U0 = 1 or U0 = 2 The effects of the blue extreme LEDs start automatically when the effect ends with an internal call to the preset. Stair initialization also requires calling a preset before starting (grupping setting 60). This staircase contains 15 steps of 60 LEDs SK6812 on each step (1 meter). The trigger is controlled by VL53L0X 2x 2 sensors (top and bottom) and by ESP Home, the logic is in Node RED and everything under Home assistant. Therefore, 2 ESP32 modules are required. One is for WLED and the other for sensors.