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Task-1: Data Preprocessing

  • Installing libraries from requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt
  • PDF Text Extraction through its Table of Contents using PyPDF2 library
  • Chunking of texts

Task-2: Data Ingestion

  • Connecting to Chroma DB Hosted on Docker
    • Starting docker on WSL-Ubuntu with sudo service docker start
    • Pulling chromadb image with docker pull chromadb/chroma
    • Creating container and opening port with docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name chromadb chromadb/chroma
  • Using Hugging Face Embeddings to perform text embedding using Sentence Transformer library
  • Creating collection on Chroma DB to add embeddings, and its metadata

Task-3: Creating Chat Pipeline

  • Retrieval
    • Query Based Documents Extraction -> Extracting relevant documents from vector database based on user's query
    • Ranking the retrieved results based on similarity
  • Chains
    • Maintaining conversation flow through RetrievalQA, create_retrieval_chain and create_history_aware_retriever of LangChain
  • Chains with Memory
    • Maintaining conversation flow using memory with ConversationChain() and VectorStoreRetrieverMemory of LangChain
  • Query Processing
    • Handling incoming queries from users by preprocessing them through NER, spelling correction and lemmatization
  • Chat Pipeline
    • Creating a chat pipeline class where all the above components will be integrated

Every folder in this project contains a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) file to display intermediate outputs.

P.S. This project aims to build the PDF chatbot concentrated on a single PDF file. But, it can be scaled to include multiple PDFs, if they have the same formats, so that they can be chunked properly.


Technical Assessment Round-2






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