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mattt edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 2 revisions


A type that handles how an HTTP redirect response from a remote server should be redirected to the new request.

public protocol RedirectHandler



Determines how the HTTP redirect response should be redirected to the new request.

func task(_ task:​ URLSessionTask, willBeRedirectedTo request:​ URLRequest, for response:​ HTTPURLResponse, completion:@escaping (URLRequest?) -> Void)

The completion closure should be passed one of three possible options:​

  1. The new request specified by the redirect (this is the most common use case).
  2. A modified version of the new request (you may want to route it somewhere else).
  3. A nil value to deny the redirect request and return the body of the redirect response.


  • task:​ The task whose request resulted in a redirect.
  • request:​ The URL request object to the new location specified by the redirect response.
  • response:​ The response containing the server's response to the original request.
  • completion:​ The closure to execute containing the new request, a modified request, or nil.
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