MVVMCross version - 6.3.1
The SfListView allows users work with MVVMCross Framework. Follow the below steps to work withMVVMCross Framework:
- Inherit App.cs from MvxApplication instead of your application.
- Inherit ViewModel from the MvxViewModel.
- Connect view and view model instead of binding context by registering them.
- Derive MainActivity and AppDelegate from MvxFormsAppCompatActivity and MvxFormsApplicationDelegate for initializing renderer.
public class CoreApp : MvvmCross.Core.ViewModels.MvxApplication
public override void Initialize()
public class MvxFormsViewModel : MvxViewModel
public MvxFormsViewModel()
public class MainActivity : MvxFormsAppCompatActivity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
public partial class AppDelegate : MvxFormsApplicationDelegate
public override UIWindow Window { get; set; }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
For more details, refer to this documentation.