Welcome to the Business Process Repository! This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of business processes within various domains, including bike manufacturing, sales, and software development. It encompasses BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) diagrams, BPM (Business Process Management) files, and other related resources.
The repository hosts BPMN diagrams representing end-to-end processes involved in designing, planning, and selling bikes within a bike company, as well as a new software development process. Each BPMN diagram provides a visual representation of the activities, decisions, and interactions among stakeholders and software modules.
In addition to the existing processes, this repository is designed to accommodate the inclusion of new business processes in the future. These may encompass various domains such as supply chain management, customer relationship management, financial management, and more. The repository structure is flexible and scalable to incorporate new processes seamlessly.
BPMN Diagrams: Contains BPMN diagrams representing various business processes, including bike manufacturing, sales, and software development.
BPM Files: Stores BPM (Business Process Management) files for each process, providing detailed specifications and configurations.
Documentation: Detailed textual descriptions, integration guides, and additional resources for each business process.
Data Models: Data models outlining the information flow and data structures utilized by different processes.
Contributions: Guidelines and instructions for contributing to the repository, including adding new processes or improving existing ones.
Stakeholders involved in bike manufacturing, sales, software development, and other operations can utilize this repository to gain insights into the end-to-end business processes. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding workflows, optimizing processes, and facilitating collaboration among teams.
Contributions to this repository are highly encouraged. Whether you have insights, improvements, or new processes to include, your contributions are valuable to the community. Please refer to the contribution guidelines for instructions on how to contribute effectively.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information.
Thank you for being a part of the Business Process Repository!