TH60JP is basic 60% kceyboard and support multiple layout.The feature is supported Japanese layout using CORSAIR PBT keycaps or FILCO majestouch keycaps for JP.Supporting below layouts.
This repository is not commited qmk_firmware. So, you must do a few act.
- Download and unzip this project.
- Make "th60jp" directory in qmk_firmware/keyboards .
- Copy all contents to "th60jp" directory.
- Run code on a comandline in qmk_firmware directory. This is example of command.
make th60jp/rev2/f103:via
The path may change for your board because it has many revision(e.g. Prototype, Consumer, Custum...). The directory named by varios things.
- revx:PCB revision.
- f103 or f303 or c6t6a: f103 is using STM32F103C8T6 and f303 is using STM32F303CBT6 and c6t6a is using STM32F103C6T6A.