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Three node kafka and three node zookeeper cluster. Kafka and Zookeeper can be scaled up at any time by modifying and re-applying configurations.

login to aks

# login to aks cluster
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group <aks-resource-group> --name <aks-name>

mount clouddrive (if necessary)

You can mount a file share from a adls storage account (should the yml configs be stored there)

clouddrive mount -s <adls-subscription-id> -g <adls-resource-group> -f <file-share>

apply configurations

create namespace

# Create namespace
$ kubectl create -f ./000-namespace.yml

create persistent volume and volumeClaim

# create persistent volume
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./000-pv-kafka.yml
# create persistent volumeClaim
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./000-pvc-kafka.yml

create zookeeper pods

# create zookeeper service
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./110-zookeeper-service.yml

# create zookeeper headless service
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./110-zookeeper-service-headless.yml

# create zookeeper statefulset
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./140-zookeeper-statefulset.yml

# create zookeeper disruptionbudget
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./150-zookeeper-disruptionbudget.yml

create kafka pods

# create kafka service
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./210-kafka-service.yml

# create kafka headless service
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./210-kafka-service-headless.yml

# create kafka-statefulset
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./240-kafka-statefulset.yml

create a test pod

# create test pods
$ kubectl -n <namespace> create -f ./400-pod-test.yml


interact with kubernetes cluster

# access dashboard
$ az aks browse --resource-group <aks-resource-group> --name <aks-name>

# check pods
$ kubectl -n <namespace> get pods

kafka quickstart

# list topics
$ kubectl -n <aks-namespace> exec kafka-test-client -- \
/usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper kafka-zookeeper:2181 --list

# create a topic
$ kubectl -n <aks-namespace> exec kafka-test-client -- \
/usr/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper kafka-zookeeper:2181 \
--topic test --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

# send a message
$ kubectl -n <aks-namespace> exec -ti kafka-test-client -- /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic test

# start consumer
$ kubectl -n <aks-namespace> exec -ti kafka-test-client -- \
/usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
--topic test --from-beginning


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