TerpAlert is a web application to designed to help students at the University of Maryland track foods being served at dining halls
During my freshman year at the University of Maryland, I discovered my favorite food in the dining halls: Orange Tempura Chicken. If I could, I would eat it for every meal. However, the dining halls did not serve it every day, so I was often left guessing what I would have for my next meal. After bringing this issue up with my friends, I found that we shared a common desire: to know when the dining halls are serving our favorite foods. Thus, TerpAlert was born.
- Scrapes menu for each dining hall every morning using BeautifulSoup
- Updates PostgreSQL database
- Automated utilizing Digital Ocean's serverless functions
- Users can create accounts to set alerts for certain foods
- Email verification using Mailgun API
- Option to receive emails for their alerts
- Stored in PostgreSQL database
- After the daily menu scraping is complete, users with alerts present in the menu are notified
- Alert emails sent using Mailgun API
Email: thuitema@umd.edu