OTI is a parameterized functional API for OMG's UML 2.5 for querying & transforming OMG UML 2.5 models. This functional API is parameterized by the implementation of OMG UML 2.5, including but not limited to:
- MagicDraw 18.0 SP2 (see org.omg.oti.magicdraw)
- Papyrus (see org.omg.oti.papyrus
In project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("tiwg", "org.omg.oti")
addSbtPlugin("org.omg.tiwg" % "org.omg.oti.uml.core" % "<version>")
Start SBT with:
sbt -Djdk_locations_1_8=<location of JDK8 installation>
Lazy, on-demand mapping of a tool-specific, in-memory representation of an OMG UML 2.5 model to a corresponding OTI representation
Generic OMG Canonical XMI Identification algorithm customizable for particular tools
Customizations currently done for MagicDraw 18.0 SP2 and Papyrus; see their respective bindings.
Tool-neutral serialization of an OTI model representation to OMG Cannonical XMI
The goal for the OTI API is to provide a pure, tool-neutral functional API for OMG UML2.5-compliant modeling tools running on the Java platform.
An important FP principle involves using the type system as a way of documenting important information about API operations, in particular, the distinction between 3 outcomes:
- normal results
- error results due to the model
- abnormal errors (these should be uncaught exceptions)
Scala provides a powerful blend of functional and object-oriented programming with a powerful type system. In particular, Scala's type system is what enables the specification of a parameterized functional API for OMG UML 2.5. In contrast to a conventional polymorphic object-oriented API, a parameterized functional API ensures that different parameterizations of the API are strongly separated.
This functional graph library for Scala simplifies specifying parameterized functional algorithms that operate on the parameterized functional representation of an OMG UML model in such a way that the tool-specific parameter binding is done automatically by the Scala compiler, again, with strong separation guarantees across tool-specific parameter bindings.
This project is built with SBT 0.13.8
To install SBT, use a package manager for your system (Linux, MacOSX, Windows,...), see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_software_package_management_systems
Scala IDE, Version 4.1 on Eclipse Mars
See the building instructions below to use the Scala IDE to work on this project.
OTI makes no assumptions about the use of Eclipse EMF for implementing OMG UML 2.5.
This project builds with SBT.
sbt -DOTI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY=<dir> publish
where <dir>
is a directory in the file system that will be used for publishing the OTI Core API libraries.
This will:
fetch library dependencies (emfLibs, graphLibs, resolverLibs, scalazLibs, scala-java8-compat),
update the license header in the sources
compile the sources into jar files
generate the scaladoc for the sources
publish the jar files, sources and javadoc to the
It is possible to use both SBT and an IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ) to work on this project.
Edit IDEA Settings
- Languages & Frameworks
- Scala Compile Server
- JVM maximum heap size, MB: 2048
- JVM parameters: -server -Xss24m
Import the project from SBT
- File | New > Project from Existing Sources...
- Select the location of the project
- Use the SBT model for importing the project
- In the SBT configuration dialog, expand 'Global SBT Settings'
- Under 'JVM Options', edit 'VM Parameters' and add:
If you change the SBT build specification, IntelliJ should automatically refresh the project. To manually refresh it, use View | Tool Windows > SBT, then click on the refresh icon.
Edit eclipse.ini
--launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss24m -Xms512m -Xmx4096m -server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseCompressedOops
See https://github.com/typesafehub/sbteclipse
Use SBT to create the Eclipse metadata files (.project, .classpath)
sbt -DOTI_LOCAL_REPOSITORY=<dir> eclipse
Note: This is only necessary if you change the SBT project definition. The Eclipse metadata files (.project, .classpath, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, .settings) are already in the repository.
File | Import ...
Choose: "Existing Projects into Workspace"
Select the location of the project
In Options, make sure to UNCHECK "Copy projects into workspace"
Edit the .project file to replace the following line:
With the following:
<linkedResources> <link> <name>catalogs</name> <type>2</type> <locationURI>PROJECT_LOC/resources</locationURI> </link> </linkedResources>
Edit the .classpath file to add the following line:
If you change the SBT build specification, close the project in Eclipse. Use SBT to re-generate the Eclipse metadata. Re-open the project in Eclipse.
The OTI is written in Scala; experience from the MagicDraw & Papyrus adapters confirms that calling Java libraries from Scala code in OTI is not a problem.
However, writing Java applications that use the Scala OTI is more difficult with current Scala 2.11; however, []the planned improvements for Scala 2.12](http://www.scala-lang.org/news/2.12-roadmap) should improve the interoperability for the OTI as well.