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Setup bomb_message to use kaboom command

TKperson edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

Kaboom command

Kaboom command is a combination of 3 commands:

  1. .channelbomb - spam creating text channels
  2. .rolebomb - spam creating roles
  3. .categorybomb - spam creating categories

To use any of the bomb commands you need to configure the "bomb_message" feature.

There are 2 ways that you can configure the "bomb_message" feature.

  1. Directly edit "bomb_message" in your configuration file (usually it's called default.json)
  2. Use .config bomb_messages <wordlist> <operation> <data>


Inside the bomb_message feature You will see two items: "random" and "fixed"

The two items are called wordlists.

Random wordlist is used for creating random names for the roles, categories, and text channels.

Fixed wordlist is used for creating names with words randomly chosen from the list the user inputted for the roles, categories, and text channels.

To configure the random wordlist you can do

  1. .config bomb_messages random <word length>
    • Example .config bomb_message random 10
  2. Edit the configuration file directly (the configuration file is usually called default.json)
    // ...
    "bomb_messages": {
        "random": 10, // note that this has to be a positive integer
        // ...
    // ...

To configure the fixed wordlist you can do

  1. .config bomb_messages fixed add <one line of words>
    • Example .config bomb_message fixed add C-REAL on top
  2. Edit the configuration file directly (the configuration file is usually called default.json)
    // ...
    "bomb_messages": {
        // ...
        "fixed": ["C-REAL on top", "Nuked by TKperson", "ezz"]
    // ...

How to use all these bomb commands?

After configuring the bomb_message feature you can start using the commands like:

.kaboom <number of bombs> <wordlist> where <number of bombs> is where you specify how many things you want to spam create.

Example: .kaboom 100 fixed

All the bomb commands syntax are the same

Example: .channelbomb 100 fixed

Example: .rolebomb 100 fixed

There are 2 types of random wordlist that you can use

  1. b64 - base64
    • Example: .kaboom 100 b64
  2. an - alphanumeric
    • Example: .kaboom 100 an

Having 2 different random wordlists have been confusing, so in the future these an and b64 wordlists are going to get replaced with b64 and b64 will be renamed to random.