Modified for GULP inline task and scss from @Cam @, HTML Shopify Templates
- Abandoned Checkout Notification - Sent to a potential customer who has abandoned their checkout
- Customer Account Activation - Sent to customer with information on how to activate their account
- Customer Account Welcome - Sent to customer when they activate their account
- Customer Password Reset - Sent to customer when they wish to reset their password
- Gift Card Notification - Sent to the customer when a gift card is created
- Order Cancelled - Sent to the customer when an order is cancelled
- Order Confirmation - Sent to the customer when an order is created
- Refund Notification - Sent to the customer when their order is refunded
- Shipping confirmation - Sent to the customer when an order is shipped
- Shipping update - Sent to the customer when an order's shipping information is updated
CD to the local directory where this repo has been cloned, then run
$ npm install
When your ready to build the inline css HTML templates run.
$ gulp
You will then need to copy and paste the .HTML found in the "build" folder for each template into shopify.
The files in your local /build folder should match the templates in shopify. Pick the template you want to replace - go to the HTML tab and paste in the .HTML from your local build.
- logo.png in your assets folder