A repository for TTK4900 Master thesis at NTNU. Project is stabilizing a floating off-shore wind turbine using Reinforcement Learning and a PSF.
Written in Python 3.7
Conda env is highly recommended due to import errors with pip.
Run (w/ conda):
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate RL-PSF
Alternatively, dependencies are listed in
and setup.py
You will need a licence to use Mosek (free academic):
Add the license file to %USERPROFILE%/mosek/mosek.lic
This is only required when generating a new terminal set.
To train an agent run:
python train.py
Optional arguments:
- --agent <path to pretrained agent .zip file to start training from>
- --timesteps
- --env <environment to run (e.g. VariableWindLevel3-v17)>
- --psf
- --note <Note with additional info about training, gets added to Note.txt>
- --no_reporting
To view the tensorboard logs run (in another cmd window):
tensorboard --logdir logs
NOTE: The environment config is located in gym_rl_mpc/__init__.py
To simulate the system with an agent run:
python run.py
Required arguments:
- --agent <path to agent .zip file>
Optional arguments:
- --time <Max simulation time (seconds)>
- --plot
- --env <environment to run (e.g. VariableWindLevel3-v17)>
- --psf
To animate a simulation of an agent, run:
python animate.py
Required arguments:
- --agent <path to agent .zip file>
Optional arguments:
- --save_video
- --time <Max simulation time (seconds)>
- --env <environment to run (e.g. VariableWindLevel3-v17)>
- --psf
Or to show an animation of a simulation run (from file):
python animate.py
Required arguments:
- --data <path to .csv data file>
Optional arguments:
- --save_video
- --time <Max simulation time (seconds)>