GrapesJS is a free and open source Web Builder Framework which helps you building HTML templates to be used inside sites, newsletters and mobile apps. Mainly GrapesJS was designed to be used inside a CMS to speed up a creation of dynamic templates. To better understand this concept check the image below
Generally any 'template system', that you'd find in various applications like CMS, is composed by the structure (HTML), style (CSS) and variables, which are then replaced with other templates and contents on server-side and rendered on client.
This demos show examples of what is possible to achieve: Webpage Demo - Newsletter Demo -
- Blocks
- Style Manager, for component styling
- Layer Manager, that comes handy with nested elements
- Code Viewer
- Asset Manager, for uploading and managing images
Local and remote storage
Default built-in commands (basically for creating and managing different components)
- CDNs
npm i grapesjs
git clone
For the development purpose you should follow instructions below.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/grapes.min.css">
<script src="path/to/grapes.min.js"></script>
<div id="gjs"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = grapesjs.init({
container : '#gjs',
components: '<div class="txt-red">Hello world!</div>',
style: '.txt-red{color: red}',
You could also grab the content directly from the element with fromElement
<div id="gjs">
<div class="txt-red">Hello world!</div>
<style>.txt-red{color: red}</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = grapesjs.init({
container : '#gjs',
fromElement: true,
For more practical example I suggest to look up the code inside this demo:
GrapesJS uses Webpack as a module bundler and Babel as a compiler.
Clone the repository and install all the necessary dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd grapesjs
$ npm i
Start the dev server
$ npm start
Once the development server is started you should be able to reach the demo page (eg. http://localhost:8080
Check the getting started guide here: wiki
API References could be found here: API-Reference
$ npm test
- grapesjs-plugin-export - Export GrapesJS templates in a zip archive
- grapesjs-plugin-filestack - Add Filestack uploader in Asset Manager
- grapesjs-plugin-ckeditor - Replaces the built-in RTE with CKEditor
- grapesjs-aviary - Add the Aviary Image Editor
- grapesjs-blocks-basic - Basic set of blocks
- grapesjs-plugin-forms - Set of form components and blocks
- grapesjs-navbar - Simple navbar component
- grapesjs-component-countdown - Simple countdown component
- grapesjs-style-gradient - Add a gradient type input
- grapesjs-blocks-flexbox - Add the flexbox block
- grapesjs-preset-webpage - Webpage Builder
- grapesjs-preset-newsletter - Newsletter Builder
- grapesjs-mjml - Newsletter Builder with MJML components
Find out more about plugins here: Creating plugins
If you like the project support it with a donation of your choice or become a backer/sponsor via Open Collective
BSD 3-clause