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Delete and Rename Physical Folders

Taiko2k edited this page Mar 3, 2019 · 10 revisions

Modify Folder Function

Access by right clicking a track and selecting Meta... > Modify Folder... or right click folder title and select Modify Folder...

Button Name Function details
Rename Renames the folder of the track to given template format
Default Reverts the template to the built in default
Trash Moves the physical folder to system trash. Holding shift will delete the physical folder directly without moving to trash.
Raise If the upper containing folder contains no other folders or files, this function will eliminate that folder by moving the lower folder up 2 levels and deleting the old containing folder.
Clean Deletes the following foreign system files in the folder: desktop.ini, Thumbs.db, Windows Media Player generated thumbnail images, MacOS related .DS_Store and MACOSX files/folders.

Warning: Although there are some checks in place it may still be possible to cause bad things to happen. Best not to use these functions around files or folders you cannot afford to lose.

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