Data Doll is a new backend for Talishar. The game engine itself will still be where it is. But all the out-of-game stuff will be hosted in data-doll, this includes things like user info, decklists, password recovery; Patreon, fabdb and fabrary integrations; cosmetics, match history, and so on and so forth.
How to run:
- install go 1.21.0
go mod tidy
go run main.go serve
- Have docker installed
docker compose up
and there you go, the docker is configured with air which will automatically reload the app if you make any code changes.
If you need to run the server in dev mode (so any changes to tables will also generate migrations) - make sure to have the --dev
flag when running, it'll also run in dev mode when you use go run main.go
It will not reload if there are any migrations, so be sure to reload the container if you make any data changes.