I was learning GraphQL specs and run into an idea, that is why only query {id: Number}
we should be able to query something like {query: "name = 'TT LL' and not(age < 40 or id > 1)"}
In order to parse the query string like that, I have to use some CS algorithms.
The easiest one I found is the
You can refer to the reference links above to understand how those 2 algorithm work.
There is a simple implementation I borrowed.
For my queries like {name = 'TT LL' and not(age < 40 or id > 1)}
, the following is my strategies.
First of all, I need to tokenize the string The function I wrote is like this:
function tokenize(inputString){
return inputString.match(/((\w+)\s*([=><!]+)\s*(\"[ \w]+\"|\'[ \w]+\'|\w+))|\(|\)|\bAND\b|\bOR\b|\bNOT\b/ig);
This will turn my query {name = 'TT LL' and not(age < 40 or id > 1)}
to tokens like
'name = \'TT LL\'',
'age < 40',
'id > 1',
The ((\w+)\s*([=><!]+)\s*(\"[ \w]+\"|\'[ \w]+\'|\w+))
looks convoluted, but it is actually just
trying to match an express like name = "string with space"
or express with no space id > 1
function yard(tokens){
let ops = {'or': 1, 'and': 2, 'not': 3};
let peek = (a) => a[a.length - 1];
let stack = [];
return tokens.reduce((output, token) => {
if (token.match(/(\w+)\s*([=><!]+)\s*(["' \w]+)/)) {
if (token in ops) {
while (peek(stack) in ops && ops[token] <= ops[peek(stack)])
if (token == '(') {
if (token == ')') {
while (peek(stack) != '(')
return output;
}, [])
After going through the yard(tokens)
function above, the tokens got turned into:
yard result: [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', 'age < 40', 'id > 1', 'or', 'not', 'and' ]
The result is a standard RPN notation stack. So we can process it
function rpn(ts, queryObject, s = []){
let i = 0;
ts.forEach(t => {
if (t.match(/and|&&/i)) { let p1 = procExpression(queryObject,s.splice(-2,1)[0]); let p2 = procExpression(queryObject,s.pop()); s.push( p1 && p2); }
else if (t.match(/or|\|\|/i)) { let p1 = procExpression(queryObject,s.splice(-2,1)[0]); let p2 = procExpression(queryObject,s.pop()); s.push( p1 || p2)}
else if (t.match(/not|!/i)) s.push(! procExpression(queryObject, s.pop()));
else s.push (t);
console.log(i, ":", t, s);
return s[0];
The procExpression function is just to evaluate the express like age < 40
and id > 1
or name = "TTL"
We can simply use eval() like this:
function procExpression(queryObject, queryString){
if (queryString === true || queryString === false ) return queryString;
queryString = queryString.replace(/=/,"==");
return eval (queryObject + queryString);
The eval()
is always not ideal as it might be vulnerable for injection attack
I come up with a more verbose but safer one
function procExpression(queryObject, queryString){
if (queryString === true || queryString === false ) return queryString;
var matches = queryString.match(/(\w+)\s*([=><!]+)\s*(["'_\w]+)/);
//console.log("matches:", matches);
if (matches){
var p1 = matches[1], p2 = matches[3].replace(/["']/g, "");
//console.log("p1, p2:", p1, p2);
switch (matches[2]){
case ">" : return queryObject[p1] > p2;
case "<" : return queryObject[p1] < p2;
case "=" : return queryObject[p1] == p2;
case "!=" : return queryObject[p1] != p2;
case ">=" : return queryObject[p1] >= p2;
case "<=" : return queryObject[p1] <= p2;
else return false;
Now we can perform some tests
var UserData = [
{ name: "TTL", age: 18, id :1 },
{ name: "SilverCow", age: 22, id :2 },
{ name: "NorthWind", age: 78, id :3 }
var user = UserData[0];
var tokens = tokenize(`name = 'TT LL ' and not(age < 40 or id > 1)`);
var result = yard(tokens);
console.log("yard result:",result);
//var final = rpn(result, user); // regular way to call processExpression
var final = rpn(result, "user."); // use eval() in processExpression
console.log("rpn result:",final);
The result looks like this:
tokens: [ 'name = \'TT LL \'',
'age < 40',
'id > 1',
')' ]
yard result: [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', 'age < 40', 'id > 1', 'or', 'not', 'and' ]
0 ':' 'name = \'TT LL \'' [ 'name = \'TT LL \'' ]
1 ':' 'age < 40' [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', 'age < 40' ]
2 ':' 'id > 1' [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', 'age < 40', 'id > 1' ]
user.age < 40
user.id > 1
3 ':' 'or' [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', true ]
4 ':' 'not' [ 'name = \'TT LL \'', false ]
user.name == 'TT LL '
5 ':' 'and' [ false ]
rpn result: false
This is really a simple but super powerful way to parse query and generate dynamic result.