React weather app using an API. Use Front-end libraries like React or Vue
- User story: I can see city weather as default, preferably my current location
- User story: I can search for city
- User story: I can see weather of today and the next 5 days
- User story: I can see the date and location of the weather
- User story: I can see according to image for each type of weather
- User story: I can see the min and max degree each day
- User story: I can see wind status and wind direction
- User story: I can see humidity percentage
- User story: I can see a visibility indicator
- User story: I can see the air pressure number
- User story(optional): I can request my current location weather
- User story(optional): I can convert temperature in Celcius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm run dev
Use of to help with accessing data from other websites that are normally forbidden by the same-origin policy of web browsers