When I dealt with one health provider, I did what they told me. As I moved to different cities, I cannot say I was mindful until something went wrong.
I became more attuned to the medical when I assisted my mother in her health journey.
Even though I have had treatments and vaccines and have taken prescriptions, I could not easily reconstruct that history or what I think about or what questions I may have for my provider or when I should have exams or vaccinations or innoculations. The need for being aware intensified when I helped my mother. And my wife. And my daugher.
This forHealth app is to bring clarity and record history about health and medical care.
- intention to assist in healthfulness, mindfulness
- navigating healthcare systems
It starts with adult self
Future functionality:
- shared family /intimates information
- export for medical providers
- or ?
- secure login
- ability to share info across accounts
- role based access control
npm install
.env file in config folder /config PORT = DB_STRING =
CLOUD_NAME = yourcloudinaryname API_KEY = API_SECRET =
npm start
- To run, activate database. (mongodb.com Ensure current ip address has access rights)
- Add ip address in mongo with Network Access
For production npm start
in terminal
For dev, npm run dev
curl -d {"name": "testName", "birthDate": "2023-01-01", "genderAssignedAtBirth": "female"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:2121/profiles/new ```
"name": "",
"birthDate": "",
"eHealthRecords": "",
"journal:" "",
"image": "",
"user": "",
"createdAt": "",
"updated": ""