An empty project for creating a Vaadin add-on. You should start from this project if your add-on's components are based on the existing Vaadin classes or doesn't use 3rd party JavaScript modules. For creating a wrapper for a JS module you might want to use the Component Starter repository as a template instead.
- this is the addon-on component class. You can add more classes if you wish, including other Components.
- A View class that let's you test the component you are building. This and other classes in the test folder will not be packaged during the build. You can add more test view classes in this package.
- assembly/: this folder includes configuration for packaging the project into a JAR so that it works well with other Vaadin projects and the Vaadin Directory. There is usually no need to modify these files, unless you need to add JAR manifest entries.
If you are using static resources such as images, JS (e.g. templates) and CSS files the correct location for them is under the /src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/frontend
directory and is described here Resource Cheat Sheetin more details.
Starting the test/demo server:
mvn jetty:run
This deploys demo at http://localhost:8080
To run Integration Tests, execute mvn verify -Pit,production
You should change the
property in pom.xml
to your own name/organization.
You can create the zip package needed for Vaadin Directory using
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0 # You cannot publish snapshot versions
mvn install -Pdirectory
The package is created as target/{project-name}
For more information or to upload the package, visit