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Config-based router with support of effector as first-class citizen


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Effing-router is a config-based router with support of effector as first-class citizen

  • Excellent integration with effector
  • Full Typescript support
  • ES modules and tree-shaking support
  • Modularity and customizations

How it works (or why another routing library)

effing-router utilizes different routing model than react-router.

Instead of parsing url and rendering routes that match path, effing-router offers routing by specifying routes (parts of your application) that you want to render, and url gets compiled out of routes as side-effect.


npm install effing-router effector effector-react --save

# yarn
yarn add effing-router effector effector-react

Getting started

import { router, initializeRouter } from 'effing-router';
import { bindDom } from 'effing-router/dom';
import { RouterView } from 'effing-router/react';

const Main = ({ childRoute }) => {
  return <div>
    <h1> Main </h1>
      { childRoute() }

const Profile = () => {
  return <div>
    This is my profile
    <a onClick={() => router.go('news')}> Go to news </a>

const News = () => {
  return <div>
    <a onClick={() => router.go('profile')}> Go to profile </a>

const Auth = () => {
  return <div> Signin </div>

const routes = [
    name: 'main',
    component: Main,
    children: [
        name: 'profile',
        component: Profile,
        path: '/myProfile'
        name: 'news',
        component: News,
        path: '/news'
    name: 'auth',
    component: Auth

bindDom(router, routes)

// rendering routes
export const App = () => {
  return <RouterView

Working with effector

Fetching data on route mount

import { forward, createEffect, restore } from 'effector';
import { router } from 'effing-router';

const fxGetStats = createEffect().use(statsApi);
const $stats = restore(fxGetStats, null);

  from: router.createMountEvent("dashboard"),
  to: fxGetStats


Cleaning up on route unmount

import { createEvent, restore } from 'effector';
import { router } from 'effing-router';

const setData = createEvent<string[]>();
const $data = restore(setData, []);

const evDashboardUnmount = router.createUnmountEvent("dashboard");


Working with params

import { router } from 'effing-router';

const $userId = router.createParamStore('userId'),
$ => console.log('new user id: ', id))

router.go({ userId: 5 }); // 'new user id: 5'
router.go({ userId: 6 }); // 'new user id: 6'


Syncing store with url

import { restore, createEvent } from 'effector';
import { router } from 'effing-router';

const setPosition = createEvent();
const positionString = new URLSearchParams('position');
const $position = restore(setPosition, positionString ? JSON.parse(positionString) : { x: 0, y: 0 });

// router.go, router.replace are usual effector events
  from: $position,
  to: router.replace.prepend((position) => ({ position: JSON.stringify(position) }))


Core API


Main instance of router, it is a collection of events and functions that perform routing. Router state consists of two main part: routes and params

  routes: ['main', 'users'],
  params: { userId: 5 }

Routes specify what you want to render, i.e. what parts of your application, which are identified by their respective name on routes list.

Params specifty how you want to render, it can contain any data related to route state. You can persist any application data in params.

initializeRouter(router, routesList)

Accepts router object and list of routes configuration

Route configuration shape

  name: 'main',
  component: Main,
  children: [
      name: 'news',
      component: News,
      path: '/news/:newsId'
      name: 'users',
      component: Users,
      redirect: {
        condition: $noUsers,
        to: 'news'

Only required prop is name. However, if you use RouterView from effing-router/react, you will have to specify component


Redirect configuration can be specified for each route, it consists of two required properties: condition and to.

condition is a boolean store, and if has value true, redirects to to. It is reactive, which means redirect can be triggered both on router.go and when condition store becomes true

to can be any form of argument of router.go, basically router.go gets called with to

Compiling path

path is used to compile url. When specifiying route, the grandest child's path will be used, parents path will be ignored

// state
  routes: ['main', 'news'],
  params: { newsId: 7 }

* router will look for 'news' route's path,
* because it is present, path will be compiled to
* /news/7

If not specified, path will be compiled from route names concatenated with / as delimeter, all params will be compiled with URLSearchParams.

// state
  routes: ['main', 'users'],
  params: { userId: 5 }

* there is not path specified for 'users',
* by default it will be compiled to
* /main/users?userId=5


Used to navigate to new route

import { router } from 'effing-router';

// relative routing, changes between siblings
// ['main', 'news'] => ['main', 'music']

// absolute routing, does not change params
router.go(['main', 'music']);

// routing based on previous route
router.go(prevRoute => {
  routes: [...prevRouter.routes, 'main', 'music'],
  params: {
    userCount: prevRouter.params.userCount + 1

// writes new key-value params, overwrites if exists
router.go({ userId: 5 });

You can find more overloads in docs.


It has same signatures as go, but instead of pushing new entry into history stack, it replaces last


Creates event that is triggered when particular route (optionally with particular params) is visited.

Can be useful to perform on mount logic

router.createMountEvent(['main', 'music']) // triggered when router.go(['main', 'music'])

  routes: ['main', 'music'],
  params: { musicId: 5 }
}) // triggered only when visited with particular params


It has same signatures as createMountEvent, but gets triggered when you leave particular route (optionally with particular params)


Create store that holds value of particular param, gets updated when that param is changed

const $userId = createParamStore('userId');

See Working with params


DOM API is separated from core to its own module at effing-router/dom

bindDom(router, routesList, basename = '')

Accepts router instance. It will synchronize router state with browser url. It will have no effect in non-browser environments.

React API

API for rendering routes as React components, it's located at effing-router/react

<RouterView router routesList/>

Renders route tree


Each rendered component gets passed a childRoute function as prop, it is used to render child routes, and you can also pass additional props inside

const Main = ({ childRoute }) => {
  return <div>
    Main route
    { childRoute({ someExtraProp: 3 }) }


Hook for accessing current router state. Also can be useful for conditional rendering

import { useRouter } from 'effing-router/react';

const Users = ({ childRoute }) => {
  const { path, params } = useRouter();

  return <div>
    User id: { params.userId }
    {path.includes('news') && <News/>}




Config-based router with support of effector as first-class citizen







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