A Graphical Interface for Xbins
Pandora is a modern Xbins browser.
Get ready to open that box up nice and wide :)
[ Program .......................................... Pandora V1.0.7 ]
[ Type .............................................. Xbins Manager ]
[ Patreon ....................https://www.patreon.com/teamresurgent ]
[ Team Members: ]
[ EqUiNoX ......................................... Lead Programmer ]
[ HoRnEyDvL .............................. Tester / Project Manager ]
[ Hazeno ................................................... Tester ]
[ Dempsey_86 ............................................... Tester ]
[ Natetronn ................................................ Tester ]
[ zatchbot ................................. Tester / Village Idiot ]
[ xXBeefyDjXx .............................................. Tester ]
- OS: Windows 7+ x64, x86-64 Linux, or MacOS (verified on Big Sur, should run from High Sierra onwards, please report any findings). 32-bit is not supported.
- Pandora can be ran in a virtual machine with GPU passthrough. (Virtual GPU must be disabled)
- RAM: 4gb of RAM is recommended for proper operation.
- A GPU capable of running DirectX 11 or better!
- No additional IRC client
- No extra BS
- Just files, on files, on files
- Download
- Run Pandora
- Click on Connect
- Win!!!
We never have bugs :)
We only have happy accidents
- Click on Connect, it is so easy, my grandma could do it.
- Navigate Remote directory, find what you need right click and download.
- First, we would like to thank all of our Patreon supporters! You are the reason we can continue to advance our open source vision of the Xbox Scene!
- We want to thank all the Original Xbox devs for bringing us the awesome applications, dashboards and emulators we have grown to love and for kickstarting the scene back in the day.
- Thanks to the team at Xbox-Scene Discord - Haguero, AmyGrrl, CrunchBite, Derf, Risk, Sn34K, ngrst183
- Huge Shout-out to Kekule, Ryzee119, ChimericSystems, & ModzvilleUSA for all the time dedicated to, and information shared regarding, hardware mods for the Xbox. You are an inspiration to us all.
- To all the people behind projects such as xemu and Insignia. Keep up the amazing work! We can't wait for your final product releases.
- Greetz to the following scene people, in no particular order - Milenko, Iriez, Mattie, ODB718, ILTB, HoZy, IceKiller, Rowdy360, Lantus, Kl0wn, nghtshd, Redline99, The_Mad_M, Und3ad, HermesConrad, Rocky5, xbox7887, tuxuser, Masonly, manderson, InsaneNutter, IDC, Fyb3roptik, Bucko, Aut0botKilla, headph0ne,Xer0 449, hazardous774, rusjr1908, Octal450, Gunz4Hire, Dai, bluemeanie23, T3, ToniHC, Emaxx, Incursion64, empyreal96, Fredr1kh, Natetronn, braxtron, Dempsey_86, xXBeefyDjXx