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Academease Preview


Project Setup


Recommended Python version : Python 3.10.12

Please develop the backend in a virtual environment.

  1. First, clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Then run this command to activate a python environment. After that activate the environment.

    In Unix

    virtualenv --python=python3 ~/venv/MyVirtEnv
    source ~/venv/MyVirtEnv/bin/activate

    In Windows,

    python -m venv "nucleus"

    If your Python virtual environment works fine, then in the command line should be something similar to this.

    (nucleus) C:\Users\Foo
  3. Now you have to install the required python libraries. Then run this command.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run this command to run the local server

    python runserver
  5. Use deactivate command to close the virtual environment.


Recommended Flutter version : 3.10.6
Recommended Dart SDK versions : >=3.0.6 <4.0.0

  1. Assuming that you have already cloned the repository, Open the frontend directory in the flutter environment. To get the dependencies, run Following command in the terminal. (You should be in the frontend directory.)

    flutter pub get
  2. Now you have to build the app by running the relevant command.

    • For Android
    flutter build apk
    • For IOS
    flutter build ios
    • For Windows
    flutter build windows
    • For MacOS
    flutter build macos
    • For Linux
    flutter build linux
    • For Web
    flutter build web
    1. After running above commands succesfully, you will able to locate the executable in the following paths :
      • Android : build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/

      • IOS : build/ios/

      • Windows : build/windows

      • MacOS : build/macos/Build/Products/Release/

      • Linux : build/linux/

      • For Web, you can run the project by running the following command :

      flutter run -d web


For the app to work, both the computer in which the django server is running and the device in which the flutter app is running, should be connected to the same Wifi (LAN).