Version 1.0
CHIP-8 is an interpreted programming language which was first used on computer systems at the break of 1970/1980. A typical device with CHIP-8 had 4kB RAM (where the first 512 bytes were reserved for the interpreter), 16 8-bit registers, one 16-bit register, 16-key hexadecimal keypad and 64-32 pixel display. Additional, CHIP-8 supports two timers (delay and sound).
Games for CHIP-8 emulator can be downloaded from (public domain license).
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
q | w | e | r |
a | s | d | f |
z | x | c | v |
Opcode | Name | Description |
00E0 | CLS | clears the display |
00EE | RET | returns from a subprogram |
1nnn | JUMP addr | jumps to address nnn |
2nnn | CALL addr | calls the subprogram at nnn address |
3xkk | SE Vx, byte | skips the next instruction if the value of register x is equal to kk byte |
4xkk | SNE Vx, byte | skips the next instruction if the value of register x is not equal to kk byte |
5xy0 | SE Vx, Vy | skips the next instruction if the value of register x is equal to the value of register y |
6xkk | LD Vx, byte | sets byte kk to register x |
7xkk | ADD Vx, byte | adds byte kk to register x |
8xy0 | LD Vx, Vy | sets register x to value of register y |
8xy1 | OR Vx, Vy | sets register x to the result "the value of register x OR the value of register y" |
8xy2 | AND Vx, Vy | sets register x to the result "the value of register x AND the value of register y" |
8xy3 | XOR Vx, Vy | sets register x to the result "the value of register x XOR the value of register y" |
8xy4 | ADD Vx, Vy | adds the value of register y to register x |
8xy5 | SUB Vx, Vy | subtracts the value of register y to register x |
8xy6 | SHR Vx, [Vy] | shifts the value of register x right by one |
8xy7 | SUBN Vx, Vy | sets register x to the result of "the value of register y minus the value of register x" |
8xyE | SHL Vx, [Vy] | shifts the value of register x left by one |
9xy0 | SNE Vx, Vy | skips next instruction if the value of register x is not equal to value of register y |
Annn | LD I, addr | sets I (16 bit register) to NNN |
Bnnn | JP V0, addr | jumps to address NNN + the value of register 0 |
Cxkk | RND Vx, byte | sets register x to the result "byte kk AND rnd[0-255] |
Dxyn | DRW Vx, Vy | draws a sprite (8 pixels width, n pixels height) at position (the value of register x, the value of register y) |
Ex9E | SKP Vxe | skips the next instruction if the key which symbol is stored in register x is pressed |
ExA1 | SKNP Vx | skips the next instruction if key which symbol is stored in register x is not pressed |
Fx07 | LD Vx, DT | sets register x to the value of delay timer |
Fx0A | LD Vx, K | waits for the key press and store symbol in register x |
Fx15 | LD DT, Vx | sets the delay timer to value of register x |
Fx18 | LD DT, Vx | sets the soung timer to value of register x |
Fx1E | ADD I, Vx | adds the value of register x to I |
Fx29 | LD F, Vx | sets I to the address of font specified in register x |
Fx33 | LD B, Vx | stores BCD representation of the value in register x at address specified in I |
Fx55 | LD [I], Vx | stores registers from 0 to x in memory at the address specified in I |
Fx65 | LD Vx, [I] | loads registers from 0 to x in memory at the address specified in I |