NodeJS binding for Avast Linux Antivirus
avast-server is a utility to scan files through http requests without the files originally being in the same machine.
node .bin/avast-server
You can set the following env variables -
AVAST_SERVER_PORT (default: 4311) Wev Server Port
AVAST_SERVER_REQ_SIZE_LIMIT (default: 50mb) Maximum request size that the web server accepts. NOTE: use the format (size)mb (or kb, etc)
AVAST_SERVER_MAX_TIMEOUT (default: 30000) Time out for requests. (In miliseconds)
AVAST_SERVER_SOCK_FILE (default: /var/run/avast/scan.sock) Socket file for avast
/scan POST
{{ File to scan }}
"is_infected": false,
"is_excluded": false
"is_infected": true,
"malware_name": "malware name"
/info GET
"version": "3.0.3",
"virusDefinitionsVersion": "21040804"
Avast client needs to be instantiated with an options object as parameter.
baseURL: 'http://my-avast-server-url', // URL of Avast Server
timeout: 10000 //timewut for requests in MS, default is 30000