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ofiralexi edited this page Nov 28, 2018 · 7 revisions

Our idea is to develop a conversational bot, called the TechnoBot.

This bot will help Technion students with all their school needs!


As you can see in the image above, the user enter speech or text to the phone - it sends the text into dialogFlow that searched by the training phrases that it got trained by which intent it should invoke. Each intent has a matching webhook that contains different logic. The webhook returns the response to the dialogflow and the google actions that shows the result to the user.

In our project we use different platforms :

  • DialogFlow, lets us convert text using NLP to intents, so we can instantiate matching actions.

  • Azure, is the platform where our db and webhooks are stored. The azure has a SQL db with the data relevant to our project, and different webhooks that are called upon intents.

  • GoogleActions is the SDK used in order to send reacts from db to the user.

  • Eclipse, so we can program easily.

Some of the features we thought about include:

  1. Reminders about homework assignments and optimization of working distribution
  2. Navigation around the campus - Given the start and end points, the TechnoBot will guide you to find any building, auditorium or cafeteria in the Technion
  3. Setting remainder to register to courses - The date in which the registration opens up varies each semester, so the TechnoBot will be able to remind you to register
  4. Finding courses according to your needs or interests - Using the TechnoBot you will be able to find courses according to the field, the number of points, the type of course and even finding courses without tests! Think of an AI implementation based on what the student likes. Can be cool to also rank courses according to the student's info - how hard the course will probably be to him, how interesting, how busy.
  5. Finding important people's email and telephone numbers, and office hours of lecturers - Each faculty has its own site with plenty of numbers and emails. Asking the TechnoBot for a specific person email address or number is far easier.
  6. Working hours of Technion businesses, such as the gym, the swimming pool, restaurants, and even the secretaries all over the campus.
  7. Running statistics - In the current situation, only some faculties provide their students with a system to know which courses they have left and the number of points they should complete. Integrating the faculties' catalog and the students' grade sheet will help to manage the rest of the degree way easier.
  8. Getting information about which courses are prerequisites to a course, and to which courses a course is a prerequisite.
  9. Where my friend are? This feature allows a student to know where in the campus her friends are currently.
  10. Maybe think of adding a feature of helping to plan the degree - in which semester to take which courses, what can a student take instead if he decides to postpone taking a course - optimized with prerequisites and the length of the degree.
  11. Free food live updated - Because why not?
  12. Check if some course has video - If so panopto / old server?