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Close The Deal Flow Definition

Idan Yadgar edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 3 revisions


In this document we will present the flow of closing the deal in our application. We will describe all the steps that a user goes through from an apartment searcher and an owner perspective, and also get into system design details.

Close The Deal - What is it?

In addition to assets search, our application has the goal of finding the best roommates for the user. We will accompany the user through all the process of finding an asset, matching the best group of roommates and then closing the deal with the asset's owner.

The Flow

Textual Description

Step 1

The process begins when a user expresses interest in an asset. When a user expresses interest or removes his interest expression, the system goes over the list of users that are interested in the asset and tries to generates groups of users. Users can appear in more than one group.

Step 2

Each apartment defines the number of available slots it has (number of roommates that are needed to close the deal). When we generate a group that contains the exact amount of users needed, we notify each group member.

Step 3

Each user can navigate to the "groups" page and get the list of all of the groups that they are members in. A user can deny a group and remove themselves from the group, or decide that this group is great and bid.

Step 4

If the user decides to bid, they are redirected to the payment page and make a payment.

Step 5

When we have a group that all of its members bid, this group is considered active and we notify the apartment's owner about it.

Step 6

The owner navigates to their apartment page, they can see all of the groups that were generated by the system, and are able to accept an active group which notifies all the group members.

Step 7

Each of the accepted active group member can accept or deny the offer. Accepting means agreeing the contract between the group and the owner.

Step 8

When all of the group members accept the offer, the deal is closed. We transfer the money to the owner, close the apartment page and refund all the other active groups.

Visual Description (Diagram)


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