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Henry Morgenthau JR. Diary Index

Some context about the collection here.


The API uses graphql, so there is only one endpoint:

There is one query for retrieving entries, fittingly called 'entries'. It has 4 arguments:

interface EntriesInput {
  max: number // The upper limit of entries to return
  keywords: string[] // An array of strings, at least one of which must be present in the returning entries
  dates: Date[] // An array of dates, which must be included in the returned entries
  books: string[] // An array of books from which entries can be returned

The date object mentioned previously looks like this:

inteface DateInput {
  day: number // Two digits, 1 - 31 for the day
  month: number // Two digits, 1 - 12 for the month
  year: number // Two digits corresponding to a year in the 20th century, ie 43 -> 1943

GraphQL stands for graph query language - so querying this API requires learning a bit of a new language.

To query, send a POST request to the endpoint with a JSON body that looks like this:

  query: foo // GQL query string here
  variables: bar // An object containing values for variables referenced in your query string.

In python, defining a query string might look like this:

query ($max: Float!, $keywords: [String!]!, $dates: [DateInput!]!, $books: [String!]!) {
                entries(max: $max, keywords: $keywords, dates: $dates, books:$books) {

This query string is written in GQL, and vaguely resembles a function call. Words prefixed with a $ are variables. That variable object should look like this:

  max: 5,
  keywords: ["refugee"],
  dates: [],
  books: []

The values of this object are just examples, although keywords, dates and books must be arrays (even if empty).

The server will respond with an array of entries fitting the query.

interface Entry {
  book: string,
  header: string,
  content: string,
  dates: Date[],
  indexes: Index[]

interface Date {
  day: number,
  month: number, 
  year: number, // Two digit year again, ie 43 -> 1943
  content: string, // The content of the entry this date is associated with

interface Index {
  book: string, // The volume this index refers to
  page: number, // The page in the volume
  content: string // The content of the entry this index is associated with


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