This allows you to control zigbee2mqtt devices via Tasmota device groups. Power, brightness, color temp, and color are all working both ways.
This is a proof of concept and is very much in alpha stage. There will be likely more to come regarding this with LightConstrue (
Each device in each Tasmota device group needs to have a grouptopic that's the same as the devgroupname. Don't use grouptopic1! Use grouptopic2, 3, or 4
The code is also currently very messy. Sorry.
See config-example.yaml for the required user config.
docker run
docker run --volume=/path/to/config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro --network=host --name=tasmota-dgb tediore/tasmota-dgb:alpha
docker compose
version: '3'
container_name: tasmota-dgb
image: tediore/tasmota-dgb:alpha
- /path/to/config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: host #required