- Python (3.10)
Install dependencies by executing the command below on the terminal
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run the application, execute the command below Ensure that you are in the main directory before executing the command
streamlit run main.py
├─ .streamlit
├─ config.toml ─ "Theme for frontend"
├─ similarity_metric (Backend)
├─ rep_metric_cosine_similarity.py ─ "Calculation of similarity score & percentage"
├─ topic_models (Backend)
├─ data.py ─ "Data Loading, Preprocessing and Helper Functions"
├─ bertopic.py ─ "Bertopic Model Functions"
├─ lda.py ─ "LDA Model Functions"
├─ nmf.py ─ "NMF Model Functions"
├─ top2vec.py ─ "Top2Vec Model Functions"
├─ main.py (Frontend) ─ "Main Streamlit Script"
├─ requirements.txt ─ "Python Dependencies"
Uploading small datasets may result in undesired behaviour or errors for the topic models
Do not click on -/+ for number of topics so fast as it may cause the page to refresh and revert to default settings
BERTopic may output lesser datapoints per topic than specified, due to the method that BERTopic derives the representative documents for each topic