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GitHub Proxy

The project is hosted at

This project uses

  • Bun, a new blazingly fast all-in-one JS runtime
  • tRPC, for building typesafe APIs that stay in sync with the front-end by sharing types directly between client and server
  • Zod, for query params validation
  • Octokit Request.js, for interacting with GitHub API
  • Docker

Query Syntax

The endpoint is /searchUsers and allows query params in the form


where INPUT is a URI-encoded JSON string. The INPUT format can be found from the router SearchUsersSchema

Example search enriched with last 5 updated repos each user owns tom+followers:>10000


● What do you like about your solution?

I like that it's simple and you can extend the search easily with other information about users eg. followers.

● What do you dislike about your solution?

I dislike it misses testing and the dev server doesn't work.

● If you had a full additional day to work on this, what would you improve?

I would refactor some parts of it to its own functions and add testing. The rest of the improvements depends on the business requirements.

● If you would start from scratch now, what would you do differently?

I tested a brand new tech stack and the development experience wasn't the greatest. I would have fixed that by adding a dev server at the beginning of the project.

To run locally

With docker

docker compose up

With bun

bun install
bun server/index.ts


Github proxy with bun+trpc







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