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add appliance storage controller

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 1 revision

add appliance storage controller


stack add appliance storage controller {appliance ...} {arrayid=string} [adapter=integer] [enclosure=integer] [hotspare=integer] [raidlevel=integer] [slot=integer]


Add a storage controller configuration for an appliance type.


  • [appliance]

    Appliance type (e.g., "backend").


  • [arrayid=string]

  • {adapter=integer}

  • {enclosure=integer}

  • {hotspare=integer}

  • {raidlevel=integer}

  • {slot=integer}

    Slot address(es). This can be a comma-separated list meaning all disks in the specified slots will be associated with the same array


  • stack add appliance storage controller backend slot=1 raidlevel=0 arrayid=1

    The disk in slot 1 should be a RAID 0 disk for the backend appliance.

  • stack add appliance storage controller backend slot=2,3,4,5,6 raidlevel=6 hotspare=7,8 arrayid=2

    The disks in slots 2-6 on the backend appliance should be a RAID 6 with two hotspares associated with the array in slots 7 and 8.

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