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report ansible

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 1 revision

report ansible


stack report ansible [attribute=string]


Report an Ansible Inventory Script.

File defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts in "ini" format.

Does not do vars.


  • {attribute=string}

    A shell syntax glob pattern to specify attributes to be listed. The attribute is the stanza header.


  • stack report ansible

    Create an inventory file of the managed hosts, rack, and appliances currently available.

  • stack report ansible attribute=kube_master,kube_worker

    Create an inventory file of the managed hosts, rack, and appliances and nodes that have kube_master or kube_minion set. The attribute name is the group target.


    [kube_master] backend-0-0

    [kube_worker] backend-0-1 backend-0-2 backend-0-3 backend-0-4 ..snip..

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