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add firmware

Ryan Causey edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

add firmware


stack add firmware {version} [hash=string] [hash_alg=string] [hosts=string] [imp=string] [make=string] [model=string] [source=string]


Adds a firmware image to stacki.


  • [version]

    The firmware version being added. This must be unique for make + model.


  • {hash=string}

  • {hash_alg=string}

  • {hosts=string}

  • {imp=string}

  • {make=string}

  • {model=string}

  • {source=string}

    The URL or local file path pointing to where to retrieve the firmware image.


  • stack add firmware 3.6.5002 source=/export/some/path/img-3.6.5002.img make=Mellanox model=m7800 imp=mellanox_m7800

    Fetches the firmware file from the source (a local file on the front end in /export/some/path), associates it with the Mellanox make and 7800 model, and sets the version to 3.6.5002, and adds it to be tracked in the stacki database.

  • stack add firmware 3.6.5002 source= make=Mellanox model=m7800 imp=mellanox_m7800

    This performs the same steps as the previous example except the image is fetched via HTTP.

  • stack add firmware 3.6.5002 source= make=Mellanox model=m7800 hosts=switch-0-1,switch-0-2

    This performs the same steps as the previous example except the firmware gets associated with the hosts named switch-0-1 and switch-0-2.

  • stack add firmware 3.6.5002 source= make=Mellanox model=m7800 hosts=a:switch

    This performs the same steps as the previous example except the firmware gets associated with all hosts that are of the appliance switch type.

  • stack add firmware source=/export/some/path/my-file make=new_make model=new_model imp=new_imp

    Assuming that the make, model, and implementation do no already exist, this adds a new firmware version associated with new_make and new_model that will use new_imp to read and write to mapped hosts.

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